Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Today was Evie's first Halloween, so I took the day off from teaching.  Hooray!  I was so excited to rest...and then Evelynd woke up, ready to go, at 5 this morning.  So tired!  Luckily, a little after 7, I had Dassow Daddy take over and he got her to sleep for a little over an hour so I could nap.  I got Evie dressed in the base for her costume and we went for a long walk wearing one of Dassow Mommy's old hats.
During her afternoon nap, I got set up for the trick-or-treaters and made some cookies (they're not pretty, but they taste good).

Evelynd has liked ringing the bells on this wreath.
Our beautiful carvings.
Dassow Mommy's "B" pumpkin
Evie's "E" pumpkin (I gave it a tooth even though she doesn't have one yet).
Dassow Daddy's "P" pumpkin
The ghost lights around our lamppost.
There were ghosts lining the driveway up to our front porch.
Poor Samson.  We lost his tough pirate costume, so he got stuck with whatever Petsmart had on clearance.  He looks cute, though.
We left the cauldron of candy out front while we took Ev to visit some neighbors.
Our little Peppermint Candy was pretty mellow as we stopped at six friends' homes in the neighborhood, but by the time we got home, she was excited.

She liked petting Sam in his costume
We finished the night with Evie's dinner of pumpkin (of course) and pea puree.  Good first Halloween.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Eve

We spent most of today getting ready for tomorrow and doing chores.  She woke up screaming again, but this time it only took an hour to get her back to sleep.  I hope tonight goes better for her and I'm glad she's happy when she wakes up.
Lindy talking to her Uncle Jay (when she talked to Uncle Nick, she said, "Hello Nick" and he was impressed).

Getting ready for Halloween

Practicing the can-can.
P.S. Evie tried avocado today.  She liked it, but eventually she liked using the mesh feeder as a green crayon all over her high chair more.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Busy Saturday

I had to teach, run errands, and had a rehearsal for a Christmas concert I'm doing in a month and had to do it on very limited sleep.  Ev went to bed at 8 and woke up screaming at 11.  She didn't want to eat and could only be comforted out of her room.  I had to walk her in the hall, rock her in the office, and sometimes get her to snuggle in Dassow Daddy and Mommy's bed.  Poor baby.  I don't know why she was so upset, but she finally went back to bed at 1.  Thankfully, she woke up happy at 6:30 this morning.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Evelynd's Friend

Evelynd loves Daisy.  She gets so excited when Daisy is around and laughs at her all the time.  Today she tried to share her toys with her best dog friend.

What else did we do today?  We took Samson to get a haircut and Evie was able to sit in the grocery cart all by herself.  We went to Korean BBQ for dinner (Salem Folks -- support Smile BBQ!) and little miss took three hours of naps!  Yay!  She's back to normal sleeping hours.

P.S. A HUGE thank you to Carolyn Fu for bringing the dogs new toys and taking Daisy for a run this morning.  All my students commented on how calm and good Daisy was today.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pretty in Pink

I didn't blog Tuesday because Little Lindy was up until 11 p.m. (and woke up the next morning at 6!  Seven hours only????).  I didn't blog Wednesday because we carved pumpkins and I went to bed early, so here it is Thursday and I am finally blogging again.

Tuesday was beautiful and COLD.  Evelynd got to wear her beautiful pink sweater from Nana and Papa Dassow.  She got lots of compliments on it.  Unfortunately, we didn't get many good pictures, but here's what we've got.

No pictures from Wednesday.  You'll get to see our beautiful pumpkin carvings soon.  

Today Dassow Daddy lectured at the law school, so Evelynd and I were on our own for lessons.  She was a show off and made everybody laugh.  Meira read her a story about Princesses and Evelynd was enthralled.

Getting in the spirit with her Halloween hair bow.

I love the way she crinkles her nose when she laughs!
One final note of something I love about Evelynd: She pats my back and hugs me when I first pick her up.  It's so cute.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hippie Chick

Evie got to wear her tie-dyed onesie from Laura Zaerr today.  We were going to save it for a trip to Eugene, but because I don't see one of those in the near future, we wore it today.  The only other news is that Evelynd tried mozzarella cheese and ate her cheesy leek meal today.  Happy hippie chick.
More ways to be green: play with recycled (hand-me-down) toys!
The far right side of the picture is Daisy's ear; Ev was trying to share her toy with her  best dog friend.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Little Miss Sunshine

I should have known that today would be extra special.  During Evelynd's morning nap, she was smiling and laughing.  That good dream carried her through the day.  Every time she saw Daisy, Evie burst into giggles.  She's always happy, but today was even more than usual.  She was laughing, smiling, flirting, giggling, talking, and singing all day.  So fun.  For our activity today, we took some of E.Z. Orchards' delicious apple cider doughnuts to some neighbors on our walk.  (Side note: Dinner was cheesy leek, sweet potatoes and cauliflower.  Unsuccessful.)

The pictures are of Evelynd when she was playing with Sam.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

By Request

To help plug Nana Evans' book, Behind the Mist, I am posting a video of a review.  It's pretty cute:
P.S. Evelynd slept nine hours last night.  And then three more!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

We took Evelynd to the pumpkin patch today.  We went to E.Z. Orchards and had a fun time looking at the pumpkins and animals.
Getting in the car for our fun field trip.

Ignore me and look at the cute girl who always has the paparazzi in her face.

The entrance to E.Z. Orchard's Harvest Festival.

Yes, in Oregon there are plenty of pumpkins over 100 pounds.

Farmer Ev

Someday this may not be a cutout, but a real school bus.  I'm getting teary already.

All the activities.

There were a bunch of scarecrows leading you past the corn maze and to the pumpkins.

Lots of little kids were looking for pumpkins today.  We even met an 8-week-old baby girl named Rose.

Dassow Daddy and his little pumpkin.

Some of the fall produce for sale.

We bought some apple cider and the MOST DELICIOUS apple cider doughnuts that were still warm from the oven.  Yummy!  Tune in next time to see the pumpkins carved.  (Hopefully.  I need to get these papers graded!)