Thursday, November 24, 2011

Evelynd's First Thanksgiving

We got to have two dinners today -- how lucky are we???
Our first stop was GG'ma and GG'pa's house.  Uncle Jon had brought over dinner of roast beef, ham, and all the fixings.  Evelynd enjoyed her new ride the most, though.
She also enjoyed showing off her walking skills.
We had our second dinner at Cousin Maddy's with Alfonso, Isa, Ally, and Aunt Mare.
It was a delicious traditional turkey meal.  We also played games, danced to Toddler Tunes (the only TV Evie's allowed to watch), and had good conversation.  Ev did pretty well on only a 40 minute nap.  I think it was a pretty good first Thanksgiving.

This year I am very thankful for our jobs, our sweet dogs, all the thoughtful family, friends, and neighbors we have in our lives, and our health.  Most of all, I am so thankful for the chance to be a mother to such a beautiful, sweet, happy little girl.  I love getting to know her and spend time with her.  I think Dassow Daddy and I still sometimes can't believe we are parents, but we think it was the best thing that ever happened to us.

1 comment:

  1. Happy first Thanksgiving Evelynd! Wish you were here in Utah with us!
