Bb - Beans. She ate them instead of cookies! Is she crazy?
Boys. My girl is a terrible flirt.
Bubbles and Balloons. Interchangeable and a couple of her favorite things.
Cc - Cat! Love to say the word, but not always so sure of the real thing.
Cheese. Loves it. All flavors.
Clocks. She says this word now and clicks her tongue when she sees one. "Tick tock."
Dd - Dogs. Loves them. Daisy especially makes her laugh all the time.
Dimple. She has one on her right cheek and it's adorable.
Ee - Evelynd, of course. Our one-of-a-kind bundle of joy.
Ff - Fish. She doesn't know how to say it, but she loves watching them.
Gg - Gorgeous. Everyday she gets prettier.
Hh - Hairy. When she was born she had hairy ears and shoulders. It's gone now, though.
Ii - Independent. She loves to do everything herself: brush her teeth, feed herself, walk, talk, anything.
Jj - Jung. Her middle name.
Joy. Her stocking holder and the word that I think most encapsulates Evelynd.
Kk - Kick. Loves it. She kicks in the water, when she's excited, and when she tries to pet cats (she pets dogs with her hands, but uses her feet for cats).
Ll - Laugh. She likes to snort when she laughs now.
Mm - Mommy. She's still a Mommy's girl. This has gone on a long time and although my back sometimes gets tired from the extra 20+ pounds I carry around all the time and I have to stay up late getting everything done, I enjoy it.
Music. Singing, playing, and even keeping a beat.
Mongolian Spots. She was born with one. The picture isn't hers, but she's got a small one like it.
Nn - Nuts. Not allowed.
Oo - Outdoors. Just stepping over the threshold still gets her to stop crying.
Pp - Peanuts. See Nn.
Qq - Quadruplets. Too much for this Dassow Mommy. Thankfully, Evelynd was a singleton.
Rr - Reading. She loves it. Hours of it. She has her favorite books and they include music, lights, things to touch, finger puppets, and lots of dogs and cats.
Round and Round. The sound we make and fingers go around when she sees ceiling fans -- she spots them immediately.
Ss - Samson. She loves him and won't remember him, but we have pictures and videos.
Smiles. She's full of them and people always comment on how cute her smile is.
Tt - Teething. Evelynd does not enjoy it and does not sleep well when a tooth is about to break through. Number four is the culprit that is driving her crazy right now.
Television. Evelynd is not allowed to watch anything until she's 2. How are we doing with that? Pretty well. She "watches" Toddler Tunes, a music channel that has images of baby toys, but doesn't change the picture until after about 20+ seconds and once I let her watch 15 minutes of the Wiggles and Word World when she felt especially sad.
Uu - Ultrasound. During our final ultrasound, our doctor said, "Sometimes you can see babies practice breathing. Oh. Like that. And sometimes you can see them sucking. Oh. Like that." What a cooperative little girl!
Vv - Vegetarian. She don't eat no meat. (My Big Fat Greek Wedding.) Well, not exactly, but she doesn't seem to like any meat.
Vegetables. She loves them. She chose a green bean over a sugar cookie last night.
Ww - Walking. She wants to so badly.
Xx - X chromosome. Evelynd has two of them.
Yy - Yackety-yak. She loves to talk and spends a lot of the day talking. When she wakes up she talks to herself, her stuffed animals, her mobile, anything.
Zz - Zippers. One of her favorite things to see people wearing.
P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's only girl cousin, Avery!
Ll Lovely, loveable, laugh...she laughs a lot, light weight (just kidding!), Latter-day Saint,
ReplyDeleteNn Nana...who loves her!
This is so sweet! It sounds like you all enjoyed the sunshine. Too bad it's gone now:-( Well, I guess more excuses to go to the NW kids club. If you have another free Friday morning, you and Kuno should take the girls for library lap sit at 10:30- Evie would love it!