Friday, September 21, 2012

18-Month Checkup

Before the doctor's.  And at the doctor's:

We had our 18-month checkup (and final shots until she's 4) today, so here are the official stats:

Height: 32 1/4" (60th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs. 5.5 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 1/2 cm (85th percentile)
BMI: 45th percentile

She impressed the doctor with her vocabulary and lack of sleep (that second part is not so impressive to Dassow Mommy), and failed her gross motor skills because she's not really running yet.

In other news, I talked to my doctor about my ultrasound today.  The good news: the baby looks great.  The not-so-good news: I have partial placenta previa with an umbilical chord coming in at a bad angle.  So, currently, I am classified as a high risk pregnancy.  We'll have another ultrasound in about six weeks and hopefully the placenta will have "migrated."

1 comment:

  1. How's your placenta now?

    No shots 'til she's 4? Did you opt for that or is that standard? Fox just had to get more at his 2 year!
