Wednesday, April 6, 2011

3 weeks old!

We've made it three weeks now.  Peter and I are both a little sick (we think allergy-related) and Samson got me up last night to throw up, so yes, I was up every hour last night.  Take yesterday's "I'm Tired" post and multiply it.  At least I got to teach at home, which is easier than traveling.  And yes, even though it is almost impossible to get myself out of bed sometimes, as soon as I hold her, it's worth it.

So, now that Evelynd is three weeks old, what's new?  She wants to eat every 1 to 2 hours.  Apparently this is normal because this is a time babies have a growth spurt.  Also, she is just about too big for some of her newborn onesies.  That will be a sad post when I have to put her newborn clothes away, but we're not there yet!  She is still very active and loves to look around.  She especially likes to look at the sky, trees, and flowers.  She definitely recognizes her Mommy and Daddy.  Finally, she's still beautiful.


  1. Ah, sleep deprivation. The joys of motherhood :)

  2. The weeks are already ticking by at a rapid pace! It's neat that she recognizes you already. They always do something to make you smile when you get extra tired :)
