Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today went better with work.  Peter was able to come with me, which was a huge help.  At our last stop, the Murrells, they had a cake and fun waiting for us.  Jessica had made a darling (and delicious) cake in the shape of a baby buggy and Catherine took over playing with Evelynd.  As you can see, Ev was having fun and showing it with a bunch of big smiles -- I didn't capture some of the best ones.  This was even more amazing because Evie woke up with a cold this morning, too.  And when we got home, we tried to start her on her Vitamin D her doctor recommended and ended up with vomit all over.  So, it's nice that she's such a good natured girl that she was so smiley even though she didn't feel well.

Everyone here is sick and sleep deprived, but Evie is able to keep her spirits up, which helps us with ours.  What a blessing she is!

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evie's Uncle Jay (who, single ladies, you can find a picture of under the "I'm a New Blogger" post).


  1. You always threw up those stupid Vit. D drops, too!

  2. Smiles already, what a treat!

    Sounds like your girl has a bit of a sensitive tummy. My baby girl appears to be super prone to ear infections. She has her second one now at only 7 months old. It is so, so hard when they get sick. Even just a cold at 3 weeks is a big deal. So - praying for Evie and glad she has you and Peter to dote on her to make her feel all better :)

  3. Poor sick babies (you and Peter too!). I hate when they get the plugged nose because they struggle with nursing, breathing, etc., and the aspirator is always a big hit with baby (NOT). I hope you're all feeling better soon!!!
