Friday, June 10, 2011


Today we had a picnic with the Jipping family.  We put a blanket out in the front yard, ate, then came in to watch "A Bug's Life" and play.

Evelynd, Thalia and Sylvia

Thalia was eating the delicious brownies Peter made and Mama Melanie was sporting a cute new haircut.

Sylvia Jipping

Sylvia was near Evelynd or one of the dogs almost the entire night.

Sylvia with Jake.  He's the Murrells' dog that we are dogsitting while they are in California.  Five minutes after they dropped him off, he went poop on our rug, but has been fine since then.

Evelynd's pajamas are Dassow Mommy's hand-me-downs.

In other news, we've had to put away more of her 0-3 month clothes.  Pretty much only the onesies and pants fit now.  All the dresses and pajamas are too short.  Also, she's in the medium gDiapers now.

Wearing her cute sundress for the last time (at least we had the weather for it).

She lifts up her dresses now and immediately puts them in her mouth.
Finally, some pictures from our garden:

P.S. Red Sox won yesterday (they swept the Yankees) and today.  That's a seven game win streak they've got going.  Plus, a two game lead in the AL East.

1 comment:

  1. Tummy! Just wait until she discovers her belly button- there will be much more shirt/dress lifting after that! Glad that Sylvia likes Evie already- I'm sure they'll be good friends soon.
