Thursday, May 5, 2011

Daddy's Dia (that's in honor of Cinco de Mayo)

I played my first harp gig since Valentine's Day today.  It was a wedding in Independence.  It was fun to play a wedding again and it went well.  Then, I drove straight up to Portland to teach.  Because I had the harp, bench, stand, music, and my teaching supplies in the car there wasn't room for Peter, Evelynd, the diaper bag, and Peter's work supplies.  That meant that Peter stayed home with the baby.  From the phone calls I got and the stories when I got home, I think Peter knows how hard a job it is to be a mother.  Peter took this sad video that is pretty representative of life without Dassow Mommy around. :)

When I got home tonight I pulled out the "Are You My Mother?" book Angie brought us on Saturday.  This was the first book I read completely to Evelynd.  She seemed very interested and looked at the pictures the entire time.  I hope she continues to enjoy books.

1 comment:

  1. "Are You My Mother" is the best book ever! It is amazing how quickly they show interest in books. No surprise that you and Peter produced a little reader, though :)
