Thursday, April 12, 2012

Evelynd and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Today was supposed to be a different post.  I had Evelynd scheduled for her 1st birthday photos.  We were still having lots of teething pain last night, but she woke up happy.  Unfortunately, that all changed when she took her bath.  She had reacted to Johnson's baby washes, but Baby Magic seemed to be okay.  Dassow Daddy had tried to be nice by adding some to the water so she could have a bubble bath.  Unfortunately, hives exploded over her body.  We tried to take pictures, but she was so unhappy, we hardly got any good ones.  After running an errand, we started to drive home and she fell asleep.
Taking a nap with her new horse ball.

Okay.  I decided to head up to Portland early to let her sleep and take her out to lunch -- Ev's first time at Red Robin.  (I thought she'd enjoy all the kids and balloons.)  Not so fun.  She did, however, immediately grab the broccoli first off her plate.  Very like her to go for the veggies.

After lunch, she was happy to be at the Tuggy's with their dog, Diego, and all the toys, but after an hour -- meltdown!  She could only be comforted by me taking her outside.  Poor tired, itchy, teething girl!  I hope she sleeps well and feels better tomorrow.

Also, thank you Evelynd, for making it over a year before completely melting down in a lesson -- that's a pretty amazing track record!


  1. Oh, so that's the story. Good thing she's feeling better. And I see she stole our ball;) She has been such a trooper if this was her first lesson meltdown- you're a lucky mama!
