Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy 15 Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

We had a hot, sunny day today so we spent most of it outside.  Dassow Daddy got to go golfing with some friends in the morning to start his Father's Day weekend, so Evelynd and I went to the store to prep.  When we came home, we made his special rustic chicken maple mustard sandwiches and some cookies.  Ev took a brief nap and then we went to Bush Park.  After dinner (at Taco Bell -- we hadn't been there in ages and Evelynd finally got another junk food meal), we went for a walk and played with the neighbor kids, cats, and dogs.

So, what's new?  She has stopped crawling and now walks everywhere.  She says a new word almost every day.  (Recent additions include hi, up, apple, stop, wait, Dais (as in Daisy dog), and juice.)  She is pretty good at all consonants except F and L.  She always get comments on how big she is, how cute she is, how smart she is, and how sweet she is.  Almost every time we meet someone she waves and says, "Hi."  She's a great eater and likes almost everything we put in front of her, except milk, which means she is still nursing.  We're working on weaning.

We got some rare pictures today of things Evelynd doesn't do very often:
 Sucking on a pacifier.  We never really used these, but today she saw one and decided to use it.  Okay.

 Sleeping.  This is all too rare.


  1. lovely cute daughter....
    My daughter is 2 days younger than yours.... :)))

  2. who needs to sleep, the world is too exciting! What a cutie girl you have!!! We love her!

  3. cute, cute, cute... Yes, Sylia decided she likes pacifiers about two months ago when she was getting a molar. She prefers chewing on them to sucking on them, which is better for me;-) Good seeing you & Ev today.
