Monday, June 11, 2012

Little Snot

Evelynd's got a little cold, which means she has been sleeping even less than normal, which means Dassow Mommy is barely hanging on.  So, I'll post a couple pictures and go to bed.
 It's been beautiful weather so we have spent nearly every minute outside (although Evelynd would do that in bad weather, too, if I would let her).
 She was able to climb up the slide and go back down on her own!
 I made a chicken broccoli spinach pizza for dinner last night and Evelynd's meal looked even better (chicken broccoli, an assortment of cheeses, and fresh raspberries).

A self portrait of Ev's finger.

1 comment:

  1. Love her cute summer frock- Nice to have the chance to actually wear one! Hope she's feeling better and that you're all getting more sleep. Sylvia decided 4:30 was her wake-up time this morning. Must be something in the air! Looking forward to seeing you, Peter and Evie this Thursday:-)
