Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #1

Luckily, it was a beautiful day, so we could spend lots of time outside.  We started with library story time.  As soon as I mentioned it to Ev today, she pointed to her hand and said, "Stamp."  She repeated this many times, but was very patient (today she got a dog stamp on both hands and that made her very happy).  In the afternoon we went to the park, walked around the neighborhood, taught some lessons, walked around the neighborhood again, and met some new friends.

Evelynd kept seeing Peter's car and getting excited, thinking Daddy was home.  We watched the videos and she loved them.  She kept wanting to watch Dad again.  I hope she can make it until he comes back.


  1. It must be tough when Evelynd gets excited to see Peter's car... this time will pass quickly!

  2. That's cute and sad. I hope that you can hear from Peter again soon. Let me know if there's an address to which we can send him a note.
