Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy 14 Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

It's amazing how fast she has grown and how much she has learned!  She always surprises me at how much she understands.  For example, today at lunch she was eating on her princess plate from the Jippings.  She pointed to one and said, "That?"  I said, "Ariel."  She pointed to another and said, "That?"  I said, "Belle."  She said, "Diiiing," and shook her hand back and forth.  Yes, bell.

She's still not walking, although she loves to have us walk her around.  She likes to climb in and out of her chair and crawl up the stairs.  She loves her dolls, books, toys, swing, lion riding toy, apple juice, milk (yes, she's still nursing), balloons, and chocolate.  She doesn't seem to like any sweets besides chocolate very much.  She's so happy and loving.  She kisses all stuffed animals, books, and her dad about 100 times before he leaves every morning.

We spent today at library storytime, playing outside, and teaching.  Here are some pictures (from after dinner, so her shirt is dirty):

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Nana Evans!

1 comment:

  1. She's so cute and her hair is getting so long, I love it! Happy 14 months!
