Saturday, May 26, 2012

Iva Turner Awards and Kale Sale

This morning, Peter finally got to cash in his birthday present and golf 18 holes with his friend, Steve.  They had good weather and a good time.

In the afternoon, I was in charge of the Iva Turner Piano Scholarship Competition, so Dassow Daddy got to take Evelynd to the park.
The good news was that my student, Natalie Seale, was one of the winners at the competition!  Yay, Natalie!  I was so proud of your playing today!

For dinner, we had our spinach-berry smoothies, broccoli cheese soup, and my first attempt at kale chips.  Kale was on sale at the store, so I thought I'd try some.  They were alright -- we may have them again.

1 comment:

  1. Evelynd looks so tall in this photo! Very cute, as always. I heard that Wings of Wonder is going to close:( Do you want to go before they close?
