Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bad Blogger

It's been very difficult for me to get back into the blogging swing of things.  I haven't had my camera in my hands as much either, but I want to get back into it.  I want Evelynd (and baby boy) to have a record of their childhoods.  So, here it is a week later.  Not much to report beyond our usual lessons, library story time, and lots of playing.  Today, though, we were reading "Bedtime Peekaboo," a present from Cousin Maddy, and Evelynd saw a girl with pigtails.  She wanted some.  So here is my quick first version of pigtails on Ev.
 Then, she took the camera and snapped a couple of pictures of her favorite things: her new boots and her beaky (used to be blanket, then "B," briefly "beak").
 P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Aunt Cami!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! Her pigtails are so cute! Can't wait 'til I can do the same with Jane!
