Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #35 (Halfway?)

I think we're halfway through Dassow Daddy's absence.  Since we don't have a return date yet, though, I'm not quite sure.

We started the day at Parker's library story time.  Evelynd was not that interested since the lady leading it was very quiet and reserved.  I think she wanted more singing and dancing.  She spent most of the time walking over to the fish tank and asking for a hand stamp, which she got at the end.  The rest of the day was errands and fun playing with the toys and looking at the animals at PetSmart.

P.S. I'm a hostage!  Nana Evans has me chained to the computer at all possible times editing her latest manuscript.  It's good and I like that the main character is named Evelynd!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #34

Our field trip today was to Centennial Center Park.  It is close to my parents' house and is awesome!  Evelynd loved the swings, play equipment, and especially the water features.  I'm sure we'll be coming back. (We had to leave when the thunder storms reached us.)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #33

We went to church with my parents and Evelynd fell asleep through the last hour, which meant that Nana finally got to hold her (this Mommy-only stage has only been going on for about a YEAR!).  When we got home, Evelynd found a fun new game, but, as usual, when the camera came out, her hysterics calmed down so the videos only show a calmer version.
The other news is that Evelynd is fascinated with the horses.  All the time, she'll click her tongue ("clip clop") and say, "Pat?"  Then we go to the barn, pat the horses, and give them treats.  While Nana was taking her out today, Evelynd fell and got her first scraped knee.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome, Cousin Jane!

Today, Evelynd's newest cousin arrived!  Jane Catherine arrived minutes after Aunt Paige and Uncle Chris made it to the hospital.  We're excited to meet her in a couple weeks!

As for what we did today, we got up early, ate, loaded the car, and headed to the airport.  There was a lot of travel time for Evelynd, so the long lines to check-in and security were not her favorite things to stand in.  Thankfully, she was great in the plane.  She flirted with the men behind us for the first half and slept the second half.  Couldn't have been much better.  When we landed, Nana and Grandpa Evans were there waiting for us.  The immediately took us to a baptism for someone at their church and then let us skip the Eagle Court of Honor for another friend so we could rest and eat.  It's fun to be on vacation!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #31

Today was so busy the only time I sat down was to work (teach, play harp).  I had so much to do to get ready for our trip tomorrow.  We got a last-minute deal on a flight, so we're heading to Denver!  I had to take Daisy to the babysitter, pack, teach, and play a wedding in Portland.  It was my first gamer wedding, so all the music was from the Final Fantasy video game series.  It was actually nice music on the harp.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #30

She keeps waking up too early.  I hope when this cold is over, she goes back to sleeping through the night and sleeping at least eight hours.

Anyway, we went to the Kids Club, ran some errands, taught, had our neighbor girls come over to play for a little bit, went to our other neighbors' house to play, picked up some neighborhood foster kids and took them to the park, had more neighbors come over to jump my car so I'll be able to take the harp to the wedding tomorrow, and then had lots of snuggles tonight.  One of the boys from the foster home thought I was Evelynd's foster mom because she doesn't look very much like me -- he thought she was very cute and wanted to push her stroller the whole time.

Unfortunately, I forgot the camera the whole day.  Sorry.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #29

We started with library story time -- although we were late for the first time ever.  I think we took too long with breakfast, but oh well.  Evelynd got her hand stamped and that is the most important.  After lessons today, my harp student Amanda cleaned our bathrooms and floors in exchange for lessons.  The house looks so much better and I feel so much better too with a couple things off my plate.  Evelynd and I spent the afternoon at the Carousel.
After dinner, we met some new neighbors and played with some old ones.  She didn't go to sleep until almost 10 p.m., so I hope she sleeps past 4 tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #28

Still not even halfway.  Did I mention this is getting really long without Dassow Daddy?

Anyway, we went to the Kids Club and then headed to Portland for lessons.  During Isa's lesson, I caught some pictures of Evelynd doing one of her favorite activities: "Draw."

Monday, July 23, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #27

People keep asking me how much longer until Peter gets back.  When I tell them we're not even halfway there, they are always surprised.  Yes, this is starting to seem like a VERY long time.  I don't think it would be so bad if we could talk regularly, but I've only gotten to speak with him for about seven minutes total.  At least he's good about writing letters.

Evelynd woke up at 4 a.m. today, happy and full of kisses.  I tried to get her back to sleep and by 5:30 put her back in her crib even though she was very awake.  She cried for less than a minute and then was quiet.  I don't know if she was playing or sleeping, but she let me get a couple more hours.

We went to the dog park in the morning.  We played the piano there, but mostly followed all the dogs around.

Running toward the dogs.

After teaching and playing with the neighbors, we took Leta out for birthday ice cream.  She needed something at Petco and Evelynd could have stayed there for hours.  The toys, balloons, and animals were so entertaining, it may have to be a new play stop.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #26

I didn't take any pictures today.  Sorry.  She looked really cute, too, but was pretty grumpy due to her cold. She woke up at 4:45 a.m. and I was able to get her very close to going back to sleep until about 5:30, when she started crying and saying, "I need Dada!"  Poor baby!  She misses her Daddy and we still have a long time until she gets to see him again.  Today we got to go to the neighbors' for pulled pork and other BBQ fare.  They even packed us up a bunch of leftovers.  They were having a work reunion, but were nice enough to include us, too.  It's so nice to have so many thoughtful people around (and not have to cook every meal every day -- although the blueberry pancakes I made this morning were pretty delicious).

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #25 (Happy Birthday to Me)

Yes, today was my birthday and Evelynd woke me up nice and early.  Within 90 minutes, she had gotten poop, pee, snot, and vomit on me.  It was not a good omen for the day.  At least she seemed much better after vomiting, although her cold is still around.  I let her have some fun in the morning with chalk, bubbles and throwing Cherrios around.  Then she napped -- for over two hours!
In the afternoon, Maddy and Ally came down (with flowers and a gift) to go to the Art Fair with us.  The Art Fair is one of my favorite times of year and it almost always comes on my birthday.  Evelynd was not feeling well, so she made me carry her almost the entire time, but she did like playing with the water sculptures.
After Maddy and Ally left, Kendell Prestwich and Dianne Lathen stopped by with birthday surprises, which was very sweet.  The evening was spent with the Jippings.  Melanie made a delicious dinner of chicken parmigiana, beans, and pasta, and had a cake and candles for me.  Thank you so much for making my birthday special!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #24 (Ultrasound)

I had a doctor appointment and so Hailey babysat Evelynd again.  Everything was good -- labs, bloodwork, heartbeat.  And the fact that there was only one baby!  (I don't know how moms of multiples do it.)
The measurements put my due date at Feb. 22, but the doctor decided to keep it at Feb. 17.  Evelynd had also measured slightly small, but we kept the March 18 due date and she was two days early, so I hope a similar trend continues and that I'm at least not late.  I'll have to mail the ultrasound to Dassow Daddy so he can see baby's first pictures.

When I returned home, Evelynd was playing with Hailey and a total mess from her markers (thank goodness I bought washable ones).
We stopped at the Kids Club after dropping off Hailey because Evelynd saw that we were driving by it and said, "Stop."  So we did.  Later in the day, we went downtown to spend our Gymbucks and buy Dassow Mommy some new perfume (thanks to Nana and Papa Dassow's birthday gift).  While we were out, we stopped by one of the Play Me, I'm Yours pianos.  They are pianos that have been decorated and left all over the city (in parks, on bridges, downtown) for people to walk by and play.  A man in London started it and Salem is the first city in North America to partner with him.  It's pretty fun.

The bad news is that Little Miss seems to have come down with a cold again.  I hope it's mild and quick -- poor baby.  She's very good about letting me wipe her nose, though.

The other bad news is that there was a shooting at a movie theater just 20 minutes from my parents' home.  At this point, twelve people are dead and 58 others injured.  It's a terrible thing and we will be praying for the families that have suffered from this.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #23 (Daisy)

We had lessons and some Kids Club time in the morning.  The afternoon was spent at the vet to get Daisy's checkup, shots, dewormer, and anti-anxiety meds.  She has been very difficult ever since Samson died.  Daisy used to be a great listener.  Now she ignores me all the time.  She barks all the time.  She started eating everything (wood, rocks, wax, plastic, poop) and she never did that before.  With my lack of sleep and mile-high pile of things to do, I have had less and less patience for Daisy.  She has the most incredible way of being underfoot at all times.  I need to watch the way I react to her though, because I've seen Evelynd copy some of my less desirable behaviors.

Thankfully, Daisy was great at the vet and it was a nice reminder that she is a good dog, but just going through a hard time without her brother and figuring out her new role in the house.  She's very good with Evelynd and when Daisy is not in the mood for a baby, she puts herself in her crate.  I need to pick up her anti-anxiety meds at the pharmacy to try them out and see if they help her.  I miss Sam, too, so I know a little of what she's going through.
Daisy's biggest fan.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #22

We started the day with library story time (as usual) and Evelynd kept talking about the stamps on her hand all morning.  She can't wait until the end when she gets that stamp and today she was excited to see that it was a cow.  We went to the Kids Club for a while in the afternoon, then shopping, and then had to come home to teach the Lane-Massees.  Their mom brought sidewalk chalk and a big bubble wand to play with Evelynd during both lessons and Ev told me she had lots of fun.  She went to bed early tonight since she didn't really get a nap, so I better follow soon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #21

It was mostly a day of teaching.  We did, however, get to see Great Aunt Julie before she headed home to Connecticut.  Also, Evelynd loved Isa and Ally's floaty that was in their living room and made it her chair.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy 16 Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

It's her golden month birthday: she's 16 months on the 16th.  And what a surprising day it was.

I put some blueberries on her breakfast tray and she clapped her hands and said, "Hooray!"

Then, we were playing outside as we waited for my students to arrive.  Suddenly, a rat walked across our driveway -- right in front of Daisy!  That is one brave rat.  And I am one disgusted homeowner.  I hope there aren't any more where that came from.

During Evie's nap, I got a call from Peter!  He had passed his PT, so he got a five-minute phone call.  It was good to hear from him, but went to fast.  When Evelynd woke up, I said, "Guess who called while you were sleeping?"  She said, "Dada!"  I said, "Yes."  So the rest of the day when she saw the phone, she would say, "Dada."  I would hand her the phone and she's say, "Hi Dada."  And then keep talking.

When I went to get her after her nap, her diaper was over the side of the crib and she had left a little mess for me.  She thought it was funny until she realized her favorite "B" (blanket) had to go in the wash.

After lessons, Evelynd and I had to run around looking for a new range for the apartment, and we stopped at Dairy Queen for a treat.  We got behind a car that was having a very hard time navigating the parking lot (it looked like a very senior driver), so I stayed well back.  Eventually, they found the exit and were about to turn onto the street when they started backing up -- and did not stop!  They backed right into me and drove off.  Luckily, there was no damage, but it scared Ev.

So, what's new?  She's quite a climber and talker.  Her latest words include "Peek-boo" and "Sit."  She loves music, singing, playing with other kids, dancing, and being an entertainer.  A couple weeks ago she quit saying "blanket" and now just calls it "B."  She loves to pick out her shoes and hair clips, so I try to find a matching and weather-appropriate outfit that works.  Every time we go out, I get stopped a ton of times by people telling me, "She's so beautiful!  She's so happy and fun!"  Yes, she is.

 Singing "Happy Birthday."
 Dancing on her lion.
Doing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" on our water spout.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #19 (Thalia Jipping Turns 5!)

We got to go to Thalia's My Little Pony birthday party this morning.  Evelynd loved eating her own slice of pizza and trying to play with all the big kids.  Thalia loved all the My Little Pony crowns, decorations (including an awesome one Melanie drew herself), and gifts.  I misplaced my camera so I didn't get any pictures.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #18 (Marion County Fair)

We got up early (of course) and got ready before killing time until we could go to the fair.  We walked over to our neighbors' to check on their cat we're feeding while they're gone and then went to pick up Leta for the Marion County Fair.  Although I was born and raised here, I think this is my first trip to the fair.  I guess because the State Fair is here, we always skipped the county one, but it was fun: a less crowded, smaller state fair.
 Good thing I didn't know about this or the other babies would have had no chance!  (Except for the baldest baby category.)
Evelynd enjoyed watching the clown juggle, but fell asleep right after it.

I didn't get many pictures because my spider monkey wouldn't get down.  She needed me to pet the animals in the petting zoo as she held on and I had to run her to pop all the bubbles at the Gilbert House display.  Oh well.  It was fun.

When we got home, she woke up so we did one of her favorite activities: trying on hats and different hairdos and then admiring herself in the mirror.
Later, I had a haircut, so the Jippings were nice enough to take care of Evelynd.  She got to splash in their pool, play in their new playhouse, and eat burgers until I got back.  Thanks, Jippings, for taking care of my tired baby (yes, she fell asleep on the car ride home).

Friday, July 13, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #17

Friday the 13th.  Pretty scary, but turned out okay.  (Honestly, I'm not superstitious, so it wasn't scary at all.)  We went to the Kids Club in the morning where Evelynd climbed up multiple ladders by herself and held on to a microphone almost the entire time.  We had lessons in the afternoon, and then ended the day with burgers, sweet potato fries, and root beer floats in Leta's beautiful backyard.  Evelynd fell asleep on the last block of our walk home, but woke up as I put her in her crib and stayed up for another two hours.  At least she's been sleeping eight hours nights and making this week so much better than last week.
 She covered herself in stickers (address labels).

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #16

After lessons and a long nap, Evelynd and I headed out to run some errands.  Since we were downtown, we took a break and got Ev her first Orange Julius (the triple berry flavor) and she loved it!
After dinner, we walked around the neighborhood feeding the cats and stopped at Evelynd's friend's house.  They had an extra ticket to the Volcanoes games and invited us to come.  So, we did and Evelynd loved flirting with the people around us, eating licorice ropes and ice cream, playing on the playground, dancing, watching the balls, and seeing her friends.  She went to bed at 10:30, but was still up and ready to go by 6 this morning.  I don't know how she does it.
 Annie at the game.
 Ev at the game.

 Snuggling with her "B."
Our neighbors.

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Cousin Drew!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #15

Today was HOT!  I was not prepared for that considering I got dressed very early this morning.  We ran errands, went to library story time, taught lessons, and played with neighbors.  The big news is that Evelynd got a stroller for her doll and was so excited.  We took it on multiple walks today.  She would walk a little, then walk around to make sure the doll was okay, then walk some more.
 Talking on the phone at the library.
Checking on her doll in her new stroller.

Today we got lots of help, too.  Lynnea Lane-Massee took care of Evelynd during an hour of lessons.  My neighbor, Nathan, fixed my printer problems.  My student, Chris, killed the nasty, nasty wasp that was in our living room.  Thanks everybody!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #14

Holy sleeping!  Evelynd didn't get much of a nap, so she slept over 10 -- TEN -- hours last night!  I even got eight hours since Daisy has been so happy having Diego here.  When was the last time I got that much sleep?  Dunno.  Christmas 2010?

We spent all day in Portland teaching.  Evelynd got new sunglasses and shoes from her Great Aunt Julie.  Julie must be a very loyal reader because she picked up on Evelynd's love of shoes and cats (the sunglasses are Hello Kitty) and Ev loved them both.  I didn't really get any good pictures because Little Miss kept playing with my camera, so here's one from yesterday and my only one from today.
 Strawberry girl eating strawberries.  She kept asking, "Berry?"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #13

Turned out to be luckier than one would think.  Evelynd slept 8.5 hours and I slept a stretch of six!  Hurrah!  We played at the Kids Club in the morning, ran errands and did chores in the afternoon, taught lessons, played with neighbor kids, ate raspberries in our neighbors' backyard, and went to sleep without needing to drive around.  She seems to be more back to normal.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #12

Wow!  What an awful night!  Evelynd slept three hours, then woke up screaming.  Because I noticed that tooth #12 was breaking through, I gave her some Tylenol, nursed her, rocked her, walked her, and she was still screaming.  So, I put her in her crib in to let her cry so I could at least lay down.  Forty five minutes later she was asleep.  Ninety minutes later, she was up again.  I tried nursing, rocking, walking -- all to no avail.  I let her cry it out in her crib again and this time it only took 15 minutes.  Hopefully, now that tooth #12 is out, she'll sleep better.  I'm exhausted and have my first cold in ages!

The highlight of today was going on our evening walk.  The girls around the corner had their pool out and Evelynd got to splash around in it -- in her cute new dress!  I ended up babysitting the girls for a little bit while their mom ran out, but that was fine because Evelynd loves playing with them.  Here's to a better night's sleep!

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Aunt Judy!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #11

It started about 4:45.  This girl is killing me!  We hung out until things started opening at 10 and went downtown to try some Belgique Belgian waffles.  We got one with chocolate ice cream and strawberries and Evelynd ate all the strawberries, although she actually ate some of the waffle, too (aside from pasta, she's not usually into bready things).

In the afternoon, we went to Latte Play because it was HOT and I did not want to be outside more than I had to.  I played a wedding later while Hailey babysat Evelynd.  The report from Hailey?  "Lots of giggles."  The report from Evelynd?  "Pop bubbles!"

We ended our night at Megan Axtell's bridal shower.  I had hopes that she would be my sister-in-law, but it looks like someone else snatched her up first.  I didn't get any pictures because my camera battery had died!

When we got home, I found two letters from Dassow Daddy in the mailbox.  It sounds like boot camp is tough, but that he's determined to make it through.  Prayers everyone.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #10

I have basically been up since 2 a.m.  So tired.  Evelynd would not go back to sleep.  She kept crying, "Mommy.  Owie."  This morning, I finally figured it out -- tooth #11.  I hadn't felt any bumps or signs of a tooth in her mouth, but there it is.  So, I barely made it through the day (I had a lot of lessons and a rehearsal and we're dog sitting Diego) and I'm headed to bed.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #9 (First OB Appointment)

Amazingly, Evelynd slept nine hours straight!  We had illegal fireworks going off less than a block away, but she slept!  Hallelujah!  I guess I had the white noise machine at the right volume.

First thing in the morning, Hailey came over to babysit Evelynd while I went to Dr. West's new office.  It's now in Salem Hospital, which is a little farther to drive (only about 1.5 miles instead of .5), but much harder to park and get around.  When they were asking me questions, there were a lot more than with Evelynd due to my "advanced maternal age."  Lovely.  Makes my upcoming birthday even more exciting.  I also got to get about a gallon of blood drawn.  Also lovely.  It was a little sad being there by myself.  I think Dassow Daddy went to all but maybe one of my appointments with Evelynd.  But, you gotta do what you gotta do.  So, my official due date is February 17.

When I got home, Evelynd had had a good time with Hailey and was just about ready for a nap.  After the nap, we tried out a new park (Morningside) and she liked the riding toys.

Then we got some froyo, went to the Kids Club, ate dinner, and played with the neighbors.  Also, she LOVED her hair like this.  She would constantly go look in the mirror and smile and laugh.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #8 (4th of July)

It seems like we have some traditions started.  Like last year, we started our day at a big pancake breakfast.  This year, however, Evelynd got her face painted for the first time.  She got a red start on her cheek and a blue star on her hand.  The picture was supposed to be of her cheek, but I was having camera issues, so it's pretty hard to see.
We then joined the Jipping girls for their neighborhood's children's parade.

Melanie told me that the man who organizes it found a box in his house when he moved in that had the parade information and decorations.  He bought the house and inherited the planning work.  Good thing he's a good guy and has continued the tradition.

After the parade, we went back to the Jippings for lunch (thank you so much!) and play.

The evening was filled with making burgers and lighting some fire crackers in the backyard.  Even though I only picked out quiet ones, Ev did NOT enjoy them.
Luckily, she slept through the night (I guess I turned the white noise machine up enough) although Daisy did not.  Poor dog was terrified.