Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #7

When Evelynd woke up this morning, I found out why she went to sleep so early last night.  She is sick!   She's coughing a lot and has more mucus than you would think could fit in that little body.  It's very sad.  I cancelled lessons so we could have things be more normal and not infect anyone else.  During her nap, I could hear her cough on the monitor and then crying, "Owie."  Poor baby!  It was a tough day.  We were able to have a little fun at the park, but then she completely melted down.
(Before the meltdown.)

I had never seen her this sick, so I broke my rule and turned the TV on for her.  Happily, she wasn't interested, so we read books and drew pictures between tears.  She went to sleep at 7 and will hopefully get a good rest and feel better for the 4th.  

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