Thursday, July 26, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #30

She keeps waking up too early.  I hope when this cold is over, she goes back to sleeping through the night and sleeping at least eight hours.

Anyway, we went to the Kids Club, ran some errands, taught, had our neighbor girls come over to play for a little bit, went to our other neighbors' house to play, picked up some neighborhood foster kids and took them to the park, had more neighbors come over to jump my car so I'll be able to take the harp to the wedding tomorrow, and then had lots of snuggles tonight.  One of the boys from the foster home thought I was Evelynd's foster mom because she doesn't look very much like me -- he thought she was very cute and wanted to push her stroller the whole time.

Unfortunately, I forgot the camera the whole day.  Sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Happy August Bethany! We may go to West Salem for a swing jazz concert picnic tomorrow (8/2). You're welcome to join us! The park is behind the Safeway on Edgewater street. Hope you are well and that Evelynd is all better:)
