Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #35 (Halfway?)

I think we're halfway through Dassow Daddy's absence.  Since we don't have a return date yet, though, I'm not quite sure.

We started the day at Parker's library story time.  Evelynd was not that interested since the lady leading it was very quiet and reserved.  I think she wanted more singing and dancing.  She spent most of the time walking over to the fish tank and asking for a hand stamp, which she got at the end.  The rest of the day was errands and fun playing with the toys and looking at the animals at PetSmart.

P.S. I'm a hostage!  Nana Evans has me chained to the computer at all possible times editing her latest manuscript.  It's good and I like that the main character is named Evelynd!

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