Thursday, July 12, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #16

After lessons and a long nap, Evelynd and I headed out to run some errands.  Since we were downtown, we took a break and got Ev her first Orange Julius (the triple berry flavor) and she loved it!
After dinner, we walked around the neighborhood feeding the cats and stopped at Evelynd's friend's house.  They had an extra ticket to the Volcanoes games and invited us to come.  So, we did and Evelynd loved flirting with the people around us, eating licorice ropes and ice cream, playing on the playground, dancing, watching the balls, and seeing her friends.  She went to bed at 10:30, but was still up and ready to go by 6 this morning.  I don't know how she does it.
 Annie at the game.
 Ev at the game.

 Snuggling with her "B."
Our neighbors.

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Cousin Drew!

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