Sunday, July 31, 2011

100th Post Pop Quiz!

To determine our most loyal reader, this post will include a pop quiz.  You can email me your answers by Wednesday and then winner will get a prize.  How exciting, huh???

First, our news.  Each time I went into Evelynd's room Friday night, she had a sock in her hands.  Yes, she has figured out how to pull them off.  We spent yesterday at GG'ma and GG'pa's.  Evelynd rolled over for her Great Aunt Julie for the first time in weeks.  She was in a great mood all day and stayed for up a long time, so she was wiped out when we left and went to sleep at 6:30.  I woke her up when we got home to get her ready for bed and this is how she looked:

Today, she rolled front to back and back to front multiple times!  Good for Evie! 
Dassow Daddy made chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes for Dassow Desayuno (that's Spanish for breakfast) and I made turkey scallopini with squash ravioli and a browned butter cranberry sauce for Dassow Dinner.

Keeping with my cherry birthday cake theme, our Dassow Dessert was Black Forest brownies.

A couple pictures from today and then the quiz:

1. Where did Evelynd's first name come from?
2. What is her middle name?
3. What do we call all four of her grandparents and her two greatgrandparents?
4. Who is leading the AL East?
5. How many years old is Samson?
6. What day did Evelynd first laugh?
7. How many hours did I have to push during labor?
8. Who was our first visitor at the hospital?
9. When did Evelynd first roll over?
10. What was Evelynd's birth weight?

P.S. Red Sox won yesterday and today against some team with another color of Sox.

Friday, July 29, 2011


I was just about to start this post when I heard Evelynd crying.  I went up to her crib (yes, she's been sleeping in there and it's going pretty well, although she's not sleeping quite as long as she was when she was in her bassinet) and there she was on her stomach.  Somehow she had rolled from her back to her stomach -- a first.  I didn't see it so I don't know if she knows how to repeat it, but she did it.  She's back asleep again now.

Yesterday was a work day.  We got to visit GG'ma and GG'pa and have yummy dinner with the Garcias.  Today was in the mid-80s, so we went swimming at the Hayes'.  So fun!  The water was a little cold, so it took us all a while to get used to it, but Evelynd enjoyed it and was so tired at the end that it only took two blocks for her to fall asleep in the car.

Here's a video of Evelynd splashing in the water:
And now, a bunch of pictures of Evie in her first swimsuit and hanging out by the pool.

Thanks for the Cuteness towel, Aunt Cami -- it came in handy again!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Dog Has Fleas (and Worms)

Yesterday was warm and lovely.  I was thinking that we might take Evelynd for her first swimming trip (I bought her a swimsuit on my birthday shopping spree for her) while cleaning up the dog poo in our yard.  That very instant I noticed things that looked like maggots in the poop.  Gross!  So, instead of a swimming trip, we had a trip to the vet.  Turns out Daisy had tapeworm, which one gets from swallowing an infected flea.  Since Daisy had worms, the vet thought Sam probably did, too.  I was a couple days late on their flea medicine and look at what I get.  The good news was it only takes one pill to kill the worms and the pill takes effect immediately.  Also, it's very difficult for the worm to transfer to humans (we also would have to swallow the infected fleas).  That's why my day off did not include a post.

We drove down to Corvallis in the evening to meet Laura Zaerr's new baby.  She was my harp professor at the University of Oregon and has been trying to adopt for years, so it was great to see she is finally a mother.  The picture of her baby Simon is a blackmail picture since I put Evelynd's purple bow in his hair (he was mad at me the rest of the evening):

Today was a normal day of teaching, but we have pictures of the baby and our Dassow Dinner.

Chutney pizza with spinach, turkey, almonds, and Gorgonzola.

She was moving a lot  in these first pictures, but she's cute:

P.S. Red Sox beat the Royals last night and tonight (my man Ellsbury was 3 for 4) and still have that 3 game lead in the AL East.

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Classy Baby

Evelynd must be her father's daughter.  There are a few surefire ways to get her to laugh:
1. Fake burp sounds
2. Fake fart sounds
3. Looking in her diaper and saying, "There's poopy in there!  How did poopy get in there?"

Here some pictures of our future debutante:

She likes her new teething toy

As for Dassow Dinners and Desserts, we had Apple and Bleu Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts and, in keeping with my cherry cake theme, birthday cake #2 was a Black Forest Cake.

Not the most appetizing pictures, but the actual food tasted good.

P.S. Red Sox are in extras with the Royals, so the update will have to wait for tomorrow.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's Been a Hard Day and Night (Plus Another Birthday Tradition)

We spent yesterday visiting GG'ma and GG'pa and my Uncles Denny and Jon and Aunt Julie.  It was good to see them all, but Evelynd was not in top form.  She seemed to have a much harder time with this round of shots and we're pretty sure she's teething.  So she was pretty fussy and when we got home it took about 2 1/2 hours to finally get her to sleep (she would be close, we'd put her down, she'd scream).  Poor baby.  She felt better when we held her outside and when we gave her a cold teething ring.  Once she went to bed she slept for six hours, woke up to feed, then slept another four hours.  She's back to our usual happy baby today.

Also, I put in her in crib to sleep tonight for the first time.  We'll see how that goes.
Dassow Dinners was Linguine alla Carbonara.  I've made Spaghetti all Carbonara before, but I think linguine is better and I added fresh spinach and Greek yogurt so it was creamier and we got our vegetables in.  It was yummy and we have lots of leftovers.

We went to Babies R Us, saw this, and were surprised Uncle Jay or Uncle Nick hadn't gotten this for Evie.

It's been pretty hot, so Evelynd got to wear some cute summer clothes.

Every year for my birthday, my grandparents gave us a dollar for every year old we turned.  I remember talking with my brothers and thinking how we couldn't wait until we were 20.  $20 was a fortune back then.  (FYI: There is a cap on the amount you get -- I may have already topped out.)  My Aunt Julie reminded me of how my brother Chris got five $1 bills on his 5th birthday.  He went through them each one by one and set aside the wrinkled one.  Ah.  The Notorious OCD started so early.

P.S. Red Sox won yesterday and today.  They're now leading the AL East by 3 games.