Saturday, July 16, 2011

Happy Four Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

One year ago today I got a phone call from my friend Mary announcing her pregnancy.  It was her first child and she was three months along.  While we were talking, Peter walked in from the store and I told Mary I had a test of my own to take and I would call her back in a few minutes.  I took the test, took a picture, emailed the picture to our families, called my mother, and then called Mary back. 
Here was the picture:
So one year ago today we found out Evelynd was coming.  Mary and I had fun discussing our pregnancies together and when she found out she was having a girl, we had to wait to discover if Mary's girl was getting a future best friend or a future husband.  I'm glad it was a BFF.  Now Evelynd's four months old and more fun than we could ever imagine.

We have our checkup with the doctor next week, so we'll have her measurements then (and a bunch of awful shots), but here's what we know.  Evelynd has figured out her hands.  She can grab things, reach out for things, and even tried to turn the pages in the book I was reading to her yesterday.  She talks a lot.  Lately, it's mostly "Ah" sounds, but she is a little chatterbox.  She blows lots of raspberries.  She can roll front to back.  She hates to sleep during the day (today, for example, she took two 30 minute naps and was awake the rest of the time from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.).  She smiles almost constantly.  She has been eating her hands lot (teething maybe?).  She can sit and stand with minimal support.  She laughs a lot.  She has become more clingy to her mom and dad and less patient with other people holding her.  She often looks for the dogs.  She always looks for her daddy and gives him big smiles; if he doesn't notice, she'll coo until he looks, and then she smiles again.  She likes looking at herself in the mirror and smiles at that cute baby she sees.

We spent most of today with my friend Annabelle and her husband David.  They have been living in Kiev for the past few years and are back visiting this month.  Evelynd let them hold her longer than most people, so we were able to get a few pictures.

We went out to lunch, played games, and then after the Hydes left, we went to Bush Park to check out the art fair (see tomorrow's post), walked around the neighborhood, ran into my student Carolyn, and stopped by to visit Janet Schneider.  We're watching Harry Potter 7 right now to get prepared for the final movie (hopefully my birthday present?) and Evelynd is finally asleep.  We'll end the post with a few pictures of our favorite four-month-old.

P.S. Red Sox won (in honor of Evie, I'm sure).


  1. What a cute baby! Great hanging out with the Hydes.

  2. At first I thought you were announcing you were pregnant again because that's the first picture! Haha. Time is flying!

    See you soon!

  3. Paige, I wondered if anyone would think that. I don't know how people can get pregnant just months after giving birth (for multiple reasons)!

  4. Love the strawberry dress- just adorable! Anyway, we could watch Evelynd for a matinee if you're going to Harry Potter on Thursday. I get home from teaching by 12:40... Hope her shots go well at her well-check:-(
