Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Dog Has Fleas (and Worms)

Yesterday was warm and lovely.  I was thinking that we might take Evelynd for her first swimming trip (I bought her a swimsuit on my birthday shopping spree for her) while cleaning up the dog poo in our yard.  That very instant I noticed things that looked like maggots in the poop.  Gross!  So, instead of a swimming trip, we had a trip to the vet.  Turns out Daisy had tapeworm, which one gets from swallowing an infected flea.  Since Daisy had worms, the vet thought Sam probably did, too.  I was a couple days late on their flea medicine and look at what I get.  The good news was it only takes one pill to kill the worms and the pill takes effect immediately.  Also, it's very difficult for the worm to transfer to humans (we also would have to swallow the infected fleas).  That's why my day off did not include a post.

We drove down to Corvallis in the evening to meet Laura Zaerr's new baby.  She was my harp professor at the University of Oregon and has been trying to adopt for years, so it was great to see she is finally a mother.  The picture of her baby Simon is a blackmail picture since I put Evelynd's purple bow in his hair (he was mad at me the rest of the evening):

Today was a normal day of teaching, but we have pictures of the baby and our Dassow Dinner.

Chutney pizza with spinach, turkey, almonds, and Gorgonzola.

She was moving a lot  in these first pictures, but she's cute:

P.S. Red Sox beat the Royals last night and tonight (my man Ellsbury was 3 for 4) and still have that 3 game lead in the AL East.

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