Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me

Today was my first birthday as a mother, so it got me thinking about my past birthdays.  Of course, I don't remember a lot of them, but here are some of the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I obviously don't remember my first birthday, but here's what it looked like:
I feel like I remember my 3rd birthday because I've seen these pictures so many times.  My cousins, mother, brother Jay, and I were playing in our backyard wearing Kermit the Frog hats:
Like most kids, I had multiple birthdays that involved Chuck E. Cheese's and an amusement park (here that means Enchanted Forest).  Here's a picture from my 7th birthday:

My 9th birthday was one that really dictated the course of my life and I wonder if my parents had any idea of how much their gift would mean to me still.  That was the birthday they bought me my first harp.  I had begged for one and I think because of how dedicated I was to my piano, they thought I might actually stick with this harp thing.  Here's the only picture I could find of it (my student Kelsey is currently renting it, so you get a somewhat embarrassing picture) and I'm obviously not nine here, but oh well:

The next birthday I really remember was my 12th.  I felt very sophisticated.  My mother, friend Gail, and I spent the day shopping in Portland and went to a (relatively) fancy restaurant for dinner:
My 14th birthday was a surprise party.  I had always wanted a surprise party and I finally got one.  Gail and I went to the Salem Art Fair and when we came back to my house there was a makeover party set up (I found out I was a "late summer" and should go with pinks, avoid peaches).

My 15th was a How to Host a Murder Party:

My 16th birthday was exciting because I got to start driving and dating.  I spent the month before that birthday in Europe with People to People Student Ambassadors.  When I arrived back in Oregon, my parents weren't at the airport.  They had arranged for the Lisle family to get me home, but I was sad not to see them.  A couple days later, they called saying they weren't going to make it back for my birthday.  My mother was crying on the phone.  (I think they were on a rafting trip, but feel free to correct me Mom and Dad if that's not the case.)  My Aunt Julie helped me come with all sorts of ways to help guilt them about missing my birthday (a lot of it involved moldy Twinkies and dirt and the reward would be access to my dad's credit card).

I spent my 18th birthday working at Wendy's.  'Nuff said.

My 22nd birthday included playing at the World Harp Congress in Prague.  That was a pretty cool one.

Two days before my 25th birthday, my divorce was finalized.  I woke up alone and had no one there to celebrate with me except Gino, the greatest guardian angel/dog in the world, who licked the tears from my face.

My 30th was a mixed bag.  I had friends over for a BBQ, we went to the Salem Art Fair, played whiffle ball, and the final Harry Potter book was released.  The bad part was that Gino woke me up at 5 a.m. throwing up blood.  He died 12 days later.  There had been no prior signs of his being sick, but he had pancreatic cancer and there was no hope of saving him.  I still miss him, but at least he didn't have to suffer for long.

I don't remember much about my 33rd except that Peter and I knew it was my last birthday as a DINK.  We knew a baby was in our future.

So this year I started by teaching Jana (she brought me Jelly Bellys) and then took a nice long bath.  We all went out to lunch at Wild Pear and got cookies at Little Cannoli Bakery.  I got my $10 mall gift card from the Salem Center for my birthday and spent it buying Evelynd socks and a teething ring.  We then spent our GymBucks buying more socks, hats, clothes, and a swimsuit for Evelynd.  I think shopping for her is even more fun than shopping for me.  Dinner was at Old Spaghetti Warehouse and we had the rest of the Cherry Clafouti for dessert.  I had planned on watching the Real Housewives of NYC's finale, but Evelynd was not ready for bed, so now that it's 11:30 p.m. Peter and I are watching Kit Kittredge.  I talked to all my family members except my mother (she's on a trail ride with no cell service).  Finally, I got an email from Borders saying that they are closing all their stores in August.  That was sad news, but overall it was a good day.  I liked my first birthday as a mother.

P.S. Red Sox had the day off, but Yankees lost, so that's all good.
P.P.S. A very happy birthday to cousin Isa and a harpy birthday to my student Kelsey.

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