Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Baby's First Leap Year

I had an easy teaching schedule today since people were sick, on field trips, or at track practice.  So Evelynd and I doubled up by doing Library Story Time AND NW Kids Club.  Lots of fun.
 She got lots of compliments on her cute poncho from Aunt Ami.
I have three concerts coming up in the next two weeks, so I need to go back to work.  Hasta manana.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Gail!

I have been friends with Gail since Kindergarten and (I think) have seen or called her for every birthday.  Officer Friendly pulled me over today and gave me a fine for talking on my cell while driving.  Ugh!  So, I missed Gail's birthday call.  So sorry.  Will a blog post dedicated to you be enough?


Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Doll for Lunch

Evelynd would only eat lunch today with her baby doll at her side.  She kept her arm around the doll for the entire meal.

These other two pictures were taken yesterday while I was Skype-ing with a student.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend Randoms

  • Evelynd loves to watch the pots move back and forth above the stove.  She wants them to move as she eats and when they're not, she says, "Stop!" and then waves her hand back and forth so we make them move again.  The video (sideways -- sorry) shows a little of her watching the pots.

  • I had my first girl time since Evelynd was born.  Melanie Jipping came over to watch "Breaking Dawn" while the men took the girls to the Kids Club.  Good friend, good movie, good cookies.  Thanks, Peter and Kuno!
  • I think Evelynd has a mild egg allergy.  It seemed that every time she ate an egg, her eyes would get red, although she loves eggs and she never rubbed her eyes, so it didn't seem to bother her.  At Maddy's on Tuesday, she ate a whole egg, her eyes turned red and hives showed up on her stomach.  Oh great.  So, we bought some organic eggs this weekend to see if that would help.  I made her one today.  She ate the whole thing and there was no reaction.  Good!  Let's hope either we were wrong or that at least we can keep using organic eggs.
  • She slept through the night again Saturday night.  Unfortunately, that means 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.  Dassow Mommy's tired.
  • Evelynd's latest game is to make anything (the computer battery pack, the baby monitor) into a phone. She says something like, "Heh?" when she answers.  You would think I spend all day on the phone as much as she pretends to be talking.  It's very cute.
  • Melanie gave Evelynd a new lion push toy that also entertains Daisy.  And came up with a good nickname for the Baby Who Doesn't Sleep: "Our Future CEO."

Friday, February 24, 2012

Welcome Cousin Hunter!

Evelynd's first younger cousin was born today at 2:03 MST.  He's over 8 lbs. and was a week early.  Big boy!  (Uncle Andy and Aunt Cami are the proud parents.)  That makes our tally:
Nephews: 8
Nieces: 1

In Evelynd news, she went to Dianne Lathen's today for her first babysitting at someone else's house while Dassow Mommy had a rehearsal.  Dianne said they went to the park and had fun, but that every once in a while Evelynd would look at her, her lip would quiver, but she would be strong was be nice to Dianne.  When I showed up at the door, she let all that pent up emotion out and burst into tears.  Soon, she was laughing and talking again, though.

P.S. A Happy 21st Birthday to Evelynd's Uncle Nick, who will be on his way to Jackson, Mississippi, before he heads to Mexico.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

She Woke Up Four (4) Times Last Night!

From awesome sleep to terrible sleep -- such is life with a teething baby.  It seems like her molars are coming in because there are some very large lumps in the back of her mouth.  At least she went back to sleep pretty quickly each time.
Today was a normal Thursday: Kids Club, playing with Talia Tuggy, the Wise's house for fun with fish and a dog, then home.  The pictures are from Chris Wise's lesson.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She Slept Through the Night!

I had been looking forward to Wednesday for the whole week.  Little did I know that Evelynd would make it even better by not waking up at all last night!  Of course, she IS the baby who doesn't sleep, so she only slept from 9 to 6 and then was ready for the day.  I went to bed around 10:30, woke up around 3 (my body is so trained to get up in the middle of the night), but that's still some of the best rest I've had in over a year.  Thanks, baby girl!

The reason I was looking forward to Wednesday was for library story time.  Evelynd had loved it so much last week and this week she did, too.  She did, however, get hungry in the last couple minutes and point to my chest and say (loudly), "That!  Right there!"  A little embarrassing, but I don't think anyone noticed.

She was in a great mood all day and even made my student Marissa cry with laughter.  I love her a lot.  And I love all the joy she brings to our home as well as all the people we meet.

Last night was also fun.  Cousins Isa and Ally were entertaining Evelynd so well that she didn't reach for me and we were hearing squeals of delight coming from the other room.  Isa took this video of Evelynd playing with one of their old toys:

P.S. A very happy birthday to Papa Dassow!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Out With the Old and In With the New

Our renters moved out today.  They were good renters, so we're sorry to see them go, but we have some new ones moving in next week and I hope they will be good, too.  They seem like it.

I made banana-mango muffins today -- my own invention -- and they're tropical goodness.  Yummy.  Evie liked them, too.

The only picture I have today is from Friday night:
Finally, tonight as I was reading my blogs I found that Aunt Paige had done a layout of Evelynd.  Check it out -- she's a very talented, crafty person (unlike yours truly).

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hanging With Dassow Daddy

Because of my Valentine's gig, I had makeup lessons all day today.  Dassow Daddy is still not feeling 100%, so he decided to stay home with Evelynd instead of coming with me.  From the looks of the pictures and videos, they had fun.  (Admittedly, I got a phone call from a desperate Dassow Daddy when someone was melting down, but he got it under control and I came home to a happy baby and a delicious dinner.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy Eleven Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

I can't believe it's the last post before Evelynd's one, or "a number" as the little kids say (ex., "I'm 4.  You mean she's not even a number yet?")!

She has been spending a lot of time working on her gross motor skills (I guess she doesn't want to fail her 12-month checkup like she did her 9-month).  She can pull herself up and even stand unsupported, although she gets scared once she realizes I'm not holding on.  The video will give you an idea because she immediately starts looking for my hand.

No new words, but you can tell she understands a lot.  She looks to what we're talking about and is very good at communicating what she wants by pointing and saying, "That!"

She loves the dogs and kisses them by puckering her lips.

She is eating three meals a day and two snacks, but still likes to nurse the most.  She found a sweet she liked today: The Tuggys gave her an unfrosted Valentine's sugar cookie that she liked munching on.  Otherwise, cheese, eggs, squeeze pouch fruits and veggies, and juice or water are her favorite foods.  Although she has enjoyed her chicken burgers the past couple days.

One thing I haven't mentioned before is that she's a blanky baby.  We're lucky that we had so many talented friends make her blankets (Sharman Armstrong, Carolyn Fu, Katey Axtell, the Murrell Family, Katrien Tuggy) and give her blankets (Aunt Laurie, the Seale Family, the Carnese Family) because Evelynd will carry around one all day.  Sometimes two.  Once three.  She knows which one she wants, too, and will look for it until she finds it.    

She has four teeth and I think the molars are starting to come in.

The one complaint I have: she doesn't sleep!  On a really tired day we get twelve hours between night and naps. More usual is 9-10 hours between night and naps.

We spent today at the Kids Club where a boy about her age looked at her and very gently hugged her.  It was very cute.  Then we had lessons and came home to play.  She is such a joy!

Avery, Evelynd's only female cousin, picked out this dress.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Samson Update

I realized that I hadn't told people what had happened with Samson.  The vet called us on Sunday night a couple of weeks ago and said she had talked to the oncologist who thought Sam would live about another month with no treatment and about ten months if we did surgery, chemo and radiation.  I told the vet that I thought we would probably not do anything and just let him decide when he is done.  Ten months is not very long -- especially when you're going through so much treatment.  So, in sum, Samson is still acting happy and jumping on the couch and as long as he's that way, we're happy, too.  We have him on stool softeners and, if he needs them, we'll get him some pain medications.  Thankfully, the vet told me that she would choose to do the same thing.

In Evelynd news, we went to story time at the library today for the first time and she LOVED it.  There were lots of other kids and activities that she thought were really fun.  Plus, they alternated stories with music and we all know how much she loves music.  I think we'll make this a weekly trip.
P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's cousin Langdon!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Harpy Valentine's Day

Yes, more harping today.  It was my third year in a row playing for Persimmon Country Club's Valentine's Dinner.  While I was setting up, one of the servers caught her hair on fire (this is not the first time I have seen a girl catch on fire while playing my harp) and it smelled so badly that they sprayed some sort of air freshener that caused me an allergic reaction.  It was tough playing the first hour, but then everything went well and I got lots of tips.

I started the day by taking Evelynd to the carousel.  She was a little scared this time and preferred having me hold her in the covered wagon to riding a horse.  When we came home, she walked and crawled and worked on standing on her own some more, then took a nap.  When she woke up, Amanda Davis was there to greet her.  This was Evelynd's first time with a babysitter when she was awake.  Amanda said everything went well.   Good!  Dassow Daddy got to spend the evening with Evelynd and put her to bed.  Dassow Mommy missed getting to say goodnight.  Sad.  But we had a fun day together and I'll see her in the morning.

Thanks for the Valentine's outfit (and card) Jipping family.  (So the hat doesn't really match, but I thought it was so cute!)

It's blurry because she kept moving, but she was so smiley!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Lots of Harping On It

This is a huge gig weekend.  It's nice for the pocketbook, but not so nice for the arms, back, shoulders, etc.  I played a wedding tonight at Mission Mill (first time playing in the tiny, 160 year old church there) and forgot to put breaks in the my contract.  Plus, they had me stay an extra hour!  So, I played four hours without a break.  Dying right now.  And I forgot to take pictures on Evelynd in her cute Valentine's outfit.  Maybe I'll do better tomorrow.

One weekend regret: we missed the city-wide flash mob!  We should have gone!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Puking and the President

We started this morning early again (why does she only sleep about nine hours a night???) and had a meeting for Salem Federated Music Club.  Once Moses, another baby, showed up, I was able to get my stuff done because Evelynd was willing to be put down to play with the baby.

We went to the Kids Club in the afternoon where Evelynd stood unsupported multiple times!  She also practiced her funny new babbling sounds, although I didn't get the best ones on the video.
When we got home, Evelynd threw up.  All over me.  All her breakfast.  Chunks.  Yucky!  Poor baby.  Once she went down for a nap I was able to get ready for the President part of the day.

I played for President Thorsett's inauguration dinner tonight.  He is the new president of Willamette University and, like me, a graduate of South Salem High School.  Go Saxons!  Dassow Daddy stayed home with Evelynd where she mostly wanted to snuggle.  I hope she feels better by morning.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

She Still Doesn't Sleep

Evelynd woke up after about nine hours in her bed last night and then wouldn't go to sleep until 10 p.m. tonight.  (She did take a nap so I could fill out all my forms for Festival, though.)  Augh!  Me so tired.

Anyway, it was the first morning where she was waiting for me by standing up in her crib.  Very cute.
Also, at the Kids Club today, I used the drinking fountain, so Ev had to, too, and loved it.  It became her favorite toy and she kept pointing me back to get another drink.

No pictures because I couldn't find the camera until she went to bed.  Sorry.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Christmas Card #1

Last year my friend Kristy said that it was my last year without a Christmas card.  I wanted so badly to rebel, but she was right and I gave in.  Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead to enough to actually get the cards out in time for Christmas, but now that they are all mailed, I will post it here.
And a couple of pictures of Evelynd at her first professional photo shoot (unless you count the photographer who the hospital has a contract with):

I timed the photo session all wrong with Evelynd's nap time -- she was completely exhausted -- but the photographer did a good job making her smile.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

All I Want for Super Bowl Sunday Is My Two Front Teeth

Yes, Evelynd's second top tooth finally popped out today, so she now has the two top and two bottom teeth.  The good news is that we put a "For Rent" sign in front of our old house and got our first call twenty minutes later.  We showed it twice, both people took applications, and we got one returned today.  Yay!  Let's hope they check out so there's one less thing to have to do.
Also, beautiful day again!
I hear the Giants beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl, but I didn't get to watch any of it.
Here's a video of her about ten minutes before she fell asleep tonight.

P.S. A very happy birthday to Nana Dassow!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Fabulous February

February so far has been Bee-Yoo-Tee-Full!
Yesterday, I only had one lesson to teach (one no-showed, so I didn't know my day would be that easy).
I took the dogs and the baby for a walk and got a big "Thank you!" from a neighbor for picking up the dog poo from his yard (one was Sam's, one was someone else's).  I guess he had been watching to see what I'd do.  (Glad I always have bags with me!)
Later, Evelynd and I went down to Willamette to meet with someone about a performance I have next week.  She loved watching all the college students and geese hanging out by the creek.

After the meeting, we headed over to the Carousel.  Evelynd got to ride a horse with music and a cat on it and liked moving her finger "'round and 'round."

The second ride we took was in the covered wagon so Evelynd could sit on my lap and pat the little horse next to her.
I thought the horse in front of us was interesting.  It was named "GiGi," which was what I called my great-grandmother and the saddle said:
When we got home, we had two different neighbors stop and visit.  Then our old neighbors Katey and Kayla stopped by.  It's been so nice and this weather is such a surprise -- everyone just seems so happy.  It's kind of like Oregonians hibernate in the winter.  Once the rains start we hunker down, work hard, and don't come out of our caves until Memorial Day or the 4th of July (depending on the year), but this weather had us come out early and we're all smiles.

Today was wonderful, too.  We took Evelynd to the library for the first time because we needed to pick up tax forms (back into my cave for that) and had fun exploring the play rooms, toys, and books.

Tapping on the fish tank.

Rowing the viking boat.

In the afternoon, Evie got to hang out at the Kids Club with Dassow Daddy while Dassow Mommy went to her student's piano competition and got a haircut.  Fun weekend so far.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day

As I write this, Peter and I are keeping one of our traditions we've had since we started dating: we're watching "Groundhog Day."  Good movie.
Evelynd got to play at the Kids Club to celebrate her first Groundhog Day (and yes, he definitely saw a shadow here today -- it was nearly 60 degrees with bright blue skies).
The bad news is that when we got home from lessons, Sam had left little droppings all around the living room and hallway.  Gino lost control of his bowels a couple of days before he died, so this is a bad sign.  Poor Sammy.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Evelynd Getting Married?

Today, my nine-year-old student, Ed, told me that Evelynd was a very pretty baby.  I told him that she was the prettiest.  He agreed and then said, "I am probably going to marry her."  Uh-oh!  I have to watch out for boys already!

In other news, the raccoon family is back.  We had a staring contest with one through our living room window tonight.