Thursday, February 9, 2012

She Still Doesn't Sleep

Evelynd woke up after about nine hours in her bed last night and then wouldn't go to sleep until 10 p.m. tonight.  (She did take a nap so I could fill out all my forms for Festival, though.)  Augh!  Me so tired.

Anyway, it was the first morning where she was waiting for me by standing up in her crib.  Very cute.
Also, at the Kids Club today, I used the drinking fountain, so Ev had to, too, and loved it.  It became her favorite toy and she kept pointing me back to get another drink.

No pictures because I couldn't find the camera until she went to bed.  Sorry.


  1. I still remember the first morning I heard you call me and when I walked in you were standing in your crib! SO CUTE!

  2. I want a drinking fountain installed in my house someday.
