Saturday, March 31, 2012

R.I.P. Samson

Sweet Samson
May 15, 2001 - March 31, 2012

Last night, Peter and I both cleaned up multiple piles of throw up from Sam.  They were almost entirely blood.  We also cleaned up a lot of bloody diarrhea.  That was how we knew it was time to let Sam go.  He was still trying hard to be our happy, sweet guy.  He was wagging his tail and jumped up on my lap when I sat on the couch.  He gave Evelynd multiple kisses, too.

I miss him a lot already.  It's been difficult with Diego here because he's a black spaniel who is only slightly smaller than Sam was, so every time he pops his head up, I think Sam's back.  So, in his honor, here are a couple of memories.

When I first got Sam, his name was Shadow.  He was advertised in the paper because the people who had him were in an apartment that wouldn't allow dogs and they had two weeks to get rid of him.  He was a year old and they told me that he was housebroken except that, as an unneutered male, he would occasionally mark his spot.  Well, that turned out to be not true at all.  Sam went to the bathroom anywhere and everywhere, including my roommate's bed, which almost caused her to move out.  After a few months, I realized that Samson would freeze when he was yelled at, but he would do anything if you praised him and loved him.  He was instantly housebroken once I gave him treats for going outside.

I decided to change him name from Shadow to Samson because he was so cute.  He had a gorgeous cocker cut.  He was not well behaved.  So, all of his power was in his hair -- like the Biblical Samson.  If he hadn't been so cute, I don't know how much people would have put up with him.

Two weeks after I got him, I had to play a wedding.  I left the backdoor open for Sam and Gino to go in and out as they pleased, as I had always done.  This time, unfortunately, my renter left the gate open when she went to get her laundry.  When I got home, Gino was sitting on the front porch and Samson was nowhere to be seen.  I posted signs around the neighborhood and eventually found a kid who told me that Sam had jumped in their car and they took him to the Humane Society.  I don't know why they didn't call the number on his tag.  When I called the Humane Society, the confirmed that he was there, but they were closed, so I had to wait until noon the next day to pick him up.  (Hefty fines were paid, too.)  I went to the stray area the next day and saw him in a cage.  He was frozen like a deer in headlights.  I called his name, waved to him -- nothing.  It looked like he was telling himself, "Go to your happy place.  Go to your happy place."  When they let him out, he ran to the car, jumped into my lap, flipped himself on his back, and whined the whole way home.  It was like he was telling me what an awful place that was and that he would never run away again.  He never did.

He was often overshadowed by Gino, so the one benefit of having Gino pass on was that I got to know Samson better.  When Gino died, we came home to Sam, who had been alone all day.  He was excited to see us and we thought he didn't even notice that his brother was gone.  When it was bedtime, however, he whined and whined at the door, thinking that we had left Gino outside.  When I told him that Gino wasn't coming back, he hung his head and walked slowly to bed.  He was sad the next few days and when I asked him if he missed Gino, he hung his head again.  But then his eyes lit up and he started rolling around and growling.  It was how Gino had always stretched and Sam had never done it before.  When I said, "Yes!  That's what Gino always did."  He wagged his tail.  Sam tried to take over Gino's roles.  He started sitting next to the bathtub when I was in there every morning and he would follow me everywhere.  

The only time Samson ever got mad at me was when I took him to the doggy dentist.  Not long after Gino died, the vet guilted me into setting up a teeth cleaning for Sam.  I took him in early in the morning and went to pick him up late that afternoon.  The vet tech told me what an incredible dog he was and that they all were fighting over getting to work with him (the same thing would happen with the groomer, too).  They said his teeth were in great shape and they couldn't believe that he'd never had a cleaning before.  So, I was happy and ready to see my sweet boy, but when they brought him in, he immediately started yelling at me.  I was surprised and immediately apologized to him, but he wouldn't hear it.  He turned around and went to the door.  As we were leaving, multiple people working there were saying, "There's Samson.  He's so sweet!"  He kept going, though, just wanted to get out of there.  He yelled at me the whole car ride home and then gave me the silent treatment.  When he saw my neighbor, he ran over to her and started whining.  She asked what was wrong and I told her he had just gotten back from the dentist.  He repeated the same thing when Peter got home.  It took two more days for him to talk to me again, but he eventually forgave me and I never made him go back to the dentist.

The Leinbach family dog sat for Sam while we were in Europe.  They bought him a pirate Halloween costume, which Sam reluctantly put up with.  He would run down the walkway to greet the kids or sit in the doorway and say, "Rrrr," a sound which Evie can imitate very well.  He made a lot of kids extra happy each Halloween.

His one vice: alcohol.  Sam was an alcoholic.

When Evelynd was born, Sam aged quickly.  He was very worried about her and would guard the door when I fed her.  He wanted to keep his eye on her all the time.  He was a great dog-father.   

Samson was so easy.  He was clean and quiet.  He was patient, happy, friendly, and fun.  He liked to play fetch and run.  I could trust him with everybody and everything.  I am really going to miss him, but hope he knows how much he was loved and that he's playing with Gino in doggy heaven.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break Day 5 (Evelynd's First Junk Food Day)

We started the day out healthily, but Evelynd got more junk today than she's ever had.  That comes later.

Isa and Ally watched a movie while I taught a couple lessons in the morning.  Then we headed to Burgerville for lunch (JUNK FOOD #1: first taste of french fries -- she liked them) and the Wings of Wonder butterfly exhibit.  Evelynd and I went there with the Jippings in September.  It was fun to go back and I think there were even more butterflies.  Here are some of the pictures Isa took:

 Evelynd was fascinated.  She enjoyed this trip a lot more than when she was six months old.

 Evelynd did not, however, enjoy the iguanas, snakes, or tarantulas.  So, back to the butterflies....

 One landed on Isa's arm.
 Another landed on Ally's leg (above) and finger (below).

After the butterflies, we stopped at the Carousel and Ally got the brass ring once.  Ev liked watching her cousins and kissed a lot of horses again.

When we got home, the girls watched a movie while Evelynd and I played and then I had to go pick up my harp (it was being regulated) and pizza for dinner.  JUNK FOOD ALERT #2: Evelynd got to sample the girl scouts Samoa cookies; she liked them a lot.  It was nice to have Isa and Ally at babysitting age so I could run the errands without having to work around a car seat.

Maddy came down for pizza, too, and this is JUNK FOOD ALERT #3: Evelynd's dinner included Hawaiian pizza and root beer.  She liked the root beer, but wasn't as sure about the pizza.  She was so tired, though, having only gotten about a 40 minute nap, that she went to bed at 7 tonight.

And that ends Spring Break.  Bummer.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break Day 4

We started today with a super messy breakfast.
She's been really sleepy still.  We met the Jipping girls at the Kids Club this morning and had to leave after an hour and a half because she wanted to sleep.  She took a three hour nap (just enough time for me to finally finish our taxes).  Someone must be growing.

It was really windy and stormy today, so in the afternoon we went to the Carousel.  Evelynd loved it, as usual.
 Cute new dress.  Thanks Nana and Papa Dassow!
After dinner, Evelynd played with our VHS tapes as we waited for our slumber party guests.
Isa and Ally are spending the night!  Evelynd was so excited to see them.  We also have Diego for the weekend, so that makes three girls and three dogs in our house tonight.  I think it'll be good.  Ev's asleep, the dogs are just hanging out, and Isa and Ally are eating popcorn and watching "Josie and the Pussycats" -- one of my favorite movies.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break Day 3

and 3 new teeth!

We started today at library story time.  The Jipping girls were there, too!  Evelynd and I did so much dancing that I must have moved her diaper in the wrong way because near the end, I suddenly had a completely wet hand and leg.  We did a little cleanup and then went home so I could teach a couple lessons.
We got to spend the afternoon with Dassow Daddy running errands and took him to Latte Play so Evelynd could drive the school bus again.  When we got home, we Skyped with Nana and Papa Dassow and cousin Langdon.  (Unfortunately, their camera didn't work, so we didn't get to see them.)

My old student, James Choung, surprised us with a visit and asked me to play the piano and direct the choir at the Korean church in town.  We'll have to think about that.

Evelynd was pretty fussy today (I think those three teeth that broke through today might have something to do with that), but she loved getting to sit on Dassow Daddy's back while he did push ups -- that was her favorite part of the day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Break Day 2

Sleepy Girl!
She slept an 8-hour stretch last night, then woke up at 4:30 pretty much ready to go.  I was able to get her back to sleep after about an hour and she slept for another two AND took a three-hour nap this afternoon.  It might have gone on longer, but I woke her up.  Such a rarity for my baby!

We started the morning with a trip to Latte Play, which is a coffeehouse/cafe near our vet and has lots of play spaces for kids and kid-friendly meals, too.  Evelynd enjoyed her fruit leather and driving the toy bus.
 Sitting in a chair all by herself (well, with her blanket, of course) and wearing a new dress from Uncle Michael and Aunt Judy.
After her long nap, we went to the Kids Club for an hour and then came home to make dinner.  We found a meat she actually likes: ham.  I thought I had a vegetarian on my hands, but I guess not.  We finished the night with a fire (we had one last night, too, and Evelynd looked at the fireplace this morning and said, "Hot! Hot!").

Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring Break Day 1

Spring Break!  Hallelujah!
Daisy slept through the night and we avoided a vet visit!
We started the day with a trip to the park where Evelynd watched the squirrels, dogs, birds, and kids; played on the swing and teeter-totter; and pet and kissed the cat and cow statues.

(The cute shirt was a Christmas gift from Aunt Paige.)
 After lunch, I had a couple work things to do (including meeting with a bride), but then we headed to Riverfront Park and the Carousel.  There were TONS of kids there, so Ev was in heaven.  She liked the toys and slides a lot.
When we walked into the Carousel, Evelynd squealed in delight, clapped her hands, and kicked her feet.  She was so excited the ride the horses.  She even started posting when she sat down.

Pretty fun day.  We'll see what we can do tomorrow.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just Some Notes

Today Evelynd said, "Amen," at the end of our prayers.

Today when reading an alphabet book, Evelynd pointed to the picture by the X and asked, "What's that?"  When I told her it was a xylophone, she put her hand by her ear and said, "Heh?"  She heard the "phone" in "xylophone."

Today Dassow Daddy got home from his first weekend with the National Guard and he is wiped out.  They worked him hard.

Today I am going on almost no sleep again.  I was up constantly with Daisy.  I dealt with way too much poo today.  We're going to the vet tomorrow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy 30th, Uncle Andy!

Normally birthday wishes are in the postscript, but since Uncle Andy is celebrating the big 3-0 today, he gets the Title!
We had a lovely day.  Evelynd and Dassow Mommy got to play with her new bath toys for the first time.  They are dolphins that can play a major scale -- fun!  Then we went to the Kids Club and after lunch and a nap went to the park.  I think that's the first time since ... September?  Evelynd loved the swing, loved watching the kids, and loved petting and kissing a big dog that was there.
We spent the evening with the Jippings.  Evelynd loved the rice Melanie made and made sure to leave a bunch of it for the dogs to eat, too.  Unfortunately, the Jippings don't have a dog and we were at there house. Lots of cleanup.  We left at about 9 p.m. and Evelynd fell asleep by the end of the block on the way home.  I, however, got to stay up later than planned cleaning up a huge mess courtesy of Diarrhea Girl.  If Daisy isn't better by tomorrow, a vet visit may be in order.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Maybe?  We still have snow on the ground, but it was warm and sunny today.  The daffodils all seem happier and the cherry trees are blooming.  Evelynd and I even went for a long walk after lessons this afternoon.  In other good news, I'm now on Spring Break!  Hooray!  I haven't taken one before so this should be a good chance for me to get caught up with thank yous, filing, grading, taxes, etc., etc.  The bad news is that Samson is still throwing up.  A lot.  I don't know how much longer he can hang on, but he's still sweet and Evelynd kisses him about 100 times per day.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Barf Boy, Diarrhea Girl, and Baby Shot Legs (Happy Anniversary)

Not long after the clock struck midnight, and our 7th anniversary began, Dassow Mommy was awakened by Baby Shot Legs.  I think the Tylenol had worn off, but once she nursed and rocked she felt better.  Once Dassow Mommy had her asleep and was setting her in her crib, Diarrhea Girl came screeching down the hall whining to be let out.  Baby Shot Legs woke right up and cried.  So, we all headed down and let Diarrhea Girl out into the snow.  Once Diarrhea Girl was done, Baby Shot Legs talked about clocks and then started to wind down herself.  Dassow Mommy had her almost asleep when Barf Boy came running up the stairs.  He had left a couple barf piles in the hall.  Yummy.  Fun cleanup.  Baby Shot Legs bolted up again.  Oh great.  And that, two hours later, was when Dassow Mommy broke down.  I came into bed crying.  No more!  So tired!  No more!

Dassow Daddy to the rescue!  He took Baby Shot Legs and got her back to sleep so Dassow Mommy got to sleep until almost 5, when Diarrhea Girl started whining again.  Diarrhea Girl made such a ruckus that she woke up Baby Shot Legs.  Great.  Here we go again.

Since I start teaching at 8:30 on Thursdays, there wasn't much chance to go back to sleep.  Happy Anniversary to me!  Dassow Daddy, thankfully, has lots of snow driving experience because this is what we woke up to:
    There were probably about 5 or 6 inches of snow on our car.  I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make our lessons trip to Portland today, so Evelynd and I went to the Kids Club to check out the roads.  They were good and the snow started melting pretty quickly.  So, went to Portland and came back for dinner at Bentley's with Dassow Daddy.  When we got home, Diarrhea Girl had struck again.  On our bed.

So, to end this post on a happier note, here's another picture of Evelynd from yesterday:
Happy Anniversary, Peter!  There have been joys and challenges.  Highs and lows.  Lots of learning and growing.  Now we're parents, too.  Let's make this 7th year the best yet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

12-Month Check

Instead of library story time today, it was a trip to the doctor -- in the snow!  Again!

What a bummer, though.  Story time is Evelynd's favorite part of the week.  Instead she got four shots, including her MMR and chicken pox, which both contain semi-live viruses.  I hope she doesn't feel too badly for too long.

Here are her official stats:
Height: 29 3/4" (75th percentile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 8.6 oz. (70th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 1/2 cm (95th percentile)

She's still pretty proportional with a large head.  (We often have a hard time getting clothes over her head.  Such big brains she has.)

Now, I have a question.  Lately, I have been told by many people (some even complete strangers) about how they were surprised to find out that Evelynd is my first child.  They say that I'm so relaxed and she's so free to explore that they are really impressed.  However, my doctor today told me to turn the car seat back around because, while it is legal to have her forward-facing now, it is safer to keep her rear-facing until she's two.  I am inclined to keep her forward-facing.  She is so much happier that way and it's BORING for her to stare at the seat.  What do you think?  Am I been too carefree here?  Should I listen to the doctor?  I won't be offended, but I am truly interested in what people think.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What We've Been Waiting For

Now that Evelynd has turned one, we can turn the car seat around!  Hallelujah!  She didn't fuss at all when she had to go it.  She could look around, see out, see me; it was so much nicer.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Simon Visits

There was snow on the ground AGAIN this morning!  What is going on?!  Where is my global warming???  I'm cold.

Anyway ...

We got to see Laura Zaerr and Simon again today for the first time since July.  Wow!  He had sure grown.  He was a happy boy, but Evelynd wasn't so sure she was okay with sharing her mama.  They had fun, though, and it was good to see them again.

(Sweater courtesy of Aunt Ami and shirt from Nana and Papa Dassow.)