Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Dassow Daddy!

Dassow Daddy had a birthday today.  Unfortunately, when you're an adult, you still have to go to work, which he did.  After work, though, we got to go out to dinner at La Hacienda Real for some yummy Mexican food.  Now Ev's asleep, so we're going to watch a movie and eat some cherry pie.

The big news for Peter this week is that on Monday he enlisted in the Army National Guard.  The pictures are from his swearing in and he starts drilling one weekend a month this month.  Army Strong!

Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Officer Candidate Dassow!


  1. Oh no! We missed Peter's birthday! I need to write it on our calendar... I hope he had a good one. Happy birthday Peter and congratulations to you!
