Saturday, March 10, 2012

Secret Santa?

I didn't have a concert today, but I got to watch my student Micaela Pierce perform in the Wiscarson Concerto Competition.  She did a great job and is improving her harp playing exponentially!
Here's the before picture:
 And the after:
When we got home, there was a bag with two cute dresses and a handy microwave steam cleaner in it.  We've had bags of baby gear on our porch before (including a bunch of diapers when we first came home from the hospital).  Who are these Secret Santas?  Leprechauns?  (It is almost St. Patrick's Day, after all.)  Well, we found out that today's was Melanie Jipping.  She's always so awesome -- we should have known!

Dassow Daddy had a meeting in the afternoon, so Evelynd and Dassow Mommy went to visit Leta Edwards and then went to the Carousel.

She liked riding the horse this time (last time she wanted to sit on my lap in the wagon).  She kissed it and patted it.  We also got some shavings in a keepsake bag from the new "horse" they're working on -- it's going to be an elephant.  For anyone who is interested, they are looking for new carvers at the Carousel.  They give you free lessons and tools as long as you volunteer three hours a week of work.  Pretty cool deal.

When we got home, Evelynd played with my phone and end up calling Leta and Grandpa.  Sorry guys.
After dinner, we continued the horse theme by putting Evelynd in the horse pj's Nana Evans got her for Christmas.  (There was a lot of tongue clicking -- "clip clop.")
Pictures and videos for your enjoyment:

She said "pots" and "yes" today for the first time.  She is building quite a vocabulary!

1 comment:

  1. So, if I get a phone message with someone saying "yes, pots" I'll know who it is;-) She's so cute! And only one more "sleep" until she's 1! Hooray!
