Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy 30th, Uncle Andy!

Normally birthday wishes are in the postscript, but since Uncle Andy is celebrating the big 3-0 today, he gets the Title!
We had a lovely day.  Evelynd and Dassow Mommy got to play with her new bath toys for the first time.  They are dolphins that can play a major scale -- fun!  Then we went to the Kids Club and after lunch and a nap went to the park.  I think that's the first time since ... September?  Evelynd loved the swing, loved watching the kids, and loved petting and kissing a big dog that was there.
We spent the evening with the Jippings.  Evelynd loved the rice Melanie made and made sure to leave a bunch of it for the dogs to eat, too.  Unfortunately, the Jippings don't have a dog and we were at there house. Lots of cleanup.  We left at about 9 p.m. and Evelynd fell asleep by the end of the block on the way home.  I, however, got to stay up later than planned cleaning up a huge mess courtesy of Diarrhea Girl.  If Daisy isn't better by tomorrow, a vet visit may be in order.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Bethany! I'm so sorry that your day ended with diarrhea disaster:( "Hugo" was really good, so you and Peter should watch it sometime in 2-D.
