We spent the day biking, swimming, and then on a trip into Sisters, which is always fun although very unfriendly to strollers. In the evening, Jerry and Kacky Hayes came over to take pictures of the whole crew.

Then, we got a picture of the grandparents with the grandkids. As you can see, Evelynd was not so happy to have Dassow Mommy leave her.

So, what's new with Ev? Her speech is really taking off. She is now able to repeat words when she asks what something is. She is getting more comfortable with walking and even trying to run a little. She loves to climb, but is cautious enough that I don't have to worry much. She's still a great eater -- willing to try everything and loves almost all of it (always asking for "More???"). She's still nursing; this was not my plan, but she is an addict and I need to start figuring out weaning a little more. She regularly sleeps through the night, but this usually means nine hours at most. She gets to pick out some of her clothes everyday. She loves cats, dogs, being outside, dancing, singing, finger plays, books, stamps, stickers, drawing, babies, ABCs, baths, splashing, bubbles, rocks, sticks, checking herself out in the mirror every morning after she gets dressed, and lots of other things. She's a fun girl to hang out with everyday and the last 17 months have been the best of our lives.
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