Monday, August 6, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #41

We got to see Mary and Bridget today and return to Centennial Center park.  There was a lot of screaming from one excited little girl.  They went in the swings together again and Evelynd even said, "Bridget."  We spent the rest of the day with Nana and Grandpa and once Evelynd went to bed, I had to start packing.


  1. Hi Bethany-
    I hope you are having a fun family reunion:) Let me know when you want to get together. Looking forward to seeing you and li'l Evelynd and catching up!

  2. Hi there! I have tried to call you and am not sure how else to reach you, your cell is going straight to VM. Hope you're well!

  3. Looking forward to updates! Dassows in Cedarburg
