Sunday, August 26, 2012

Single Motherhood Day #61

Today was a nightmare!  I had to play a wedding and everything went wrong. 
First, the music didn't show up in the mail.  So, the coordinator scanned it and emailed it to me.
Second, I went to print the music and my printer broke.  I still don't have my phone, so I couldn't call the flute player who was coordinating the wedding.  Luckily, I was able to email the violinist and she could get an extra copy for me.
Third, the car wouldn't start.  Again.  I called a friend to come jump it and it still wouldn't start.  Great.  I started racking my brain and thought of a few people who had big enough cars to fit a harp and struck out twice.  On my third call, my student Micaela's mom was home and able to switch cars with me in time for me to load it.
Fourth, I forgot my lunch and was starving.
Fifth, I-5 was stop and go the whole way up to Portland.
Thankfully, I had left enough time that I was still able to get Evelynd to Maddy's in time and make it to the wedding with a couple minutes to spare.  I get nervous for every wedding -- I'm always afraid I won't make it or I forgot something and this did not make my stress level very healthy today.  In the end, it went well and we made it home safely.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my that sounds sooooo stressful! I'd be a mess! Glad everything worked out though.
