Sunday, August 28, 2011

Food Glorious Food

I would not call myself cheap, but I really enjoy saving money.  All too often, however, I am penny wise and pound foolish.  In having a baby I was planning on using cloth diapers and nursing.  I thought these would be better for our finances and for Evelynd.  I never thought about making my own baby food once Evelynd started the weaning process.  My friend Annabelle gave me a book called "Starting Solids," a microwave steamer, and a masher for a baby gift.  I thought that I wouldn't really be needing those, but once I started reading the book I was inspired.  This weekend, with Dassow Daddy away, I went to the store for the ingredients I would need: freezer food trays, a hand blender, and, of course, a bunch of fruits and vegetables (including my first purchase of a parsnip).  Friday night I spent pureeing carrots (my first attempt was not successful) and roasting a butternut squash.  Saturday I made baked sweet potatoes and apples.  Today was some combos (carrot, sweet potato, parsnip and carrot, sweet potato, apple).  Evelynd now has about three weeks worth of meals in the freezer.  Yum!  Tomorrow's task is pears and mango blends.

Here are some pictures of the cutest baby ever (in my humble, unbiased opinion) today:

She was explaining something to me here

And finally, Great Uncle Denny sent us some pictures from our visit yesterday:

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