Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Five Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

Evelynd and I have been on vacation and the internet has either not been available or slow and spotty, but I had to do a post for her five month birthday.

She spent the morning at a park where a three-year-old named Ellie immediately wanted to play with her and pushed her in the baby swing.  In the evening, she got to go to a pool party (she loves the water).  And at night, Dassow Daddy got to see her for the first time in about ten days!

 Evelynd was neutral on her first time down a slide.

So what's new with Evie?  Many people have decided to call her Lindy.  Okay.  That's a cute nickname. She has discovered a lot more sounds her voice can make.  Her cousin Fox even taught her she could scream and she's been trying that a LOT lately.  She looks like she may be an early crawler -- she was watching her cousins move and has been able to get her legs under her and kind of scoot forward.  Rolling both ways is easy now and she even double rolls sometimes.  She's able to sit with her hands in front of her and be on her stomach, sitting up on her elbows. She is tolerating the piano more now.  She still loves outside and the dogs. Although she's still wearing six month clothes, a few of them are getting too small and I think we'll be pulling out the next set soon.  She is starting to be interested in more toys (my hair, glasses, and necklaces are some of her favorites).

P.S. Since my last post, the Red Sox have won six of ten (including two out of three against the Yankees) and hold the lead in the AL East.  Ellsbury has been amazing and Lowrie has even been back a little.
P.P.S. When I am back at my own computer, I'll post on the 2011 Evans Family Reunion.

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