Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

First some pictures from earlier this weekend:
 We've been spending a lot of time pushing the lion around.  I hope this means independent walking is coming soon!

Today started with lessons for me, but after teaching and Evelynd's nap, we all headed to the cemetery with some flags.  Last year, Evelynd just sat in her stroller, but this year she helped carry the flags and tried to put some in (the ground wasn't quite soft enough for her to do it without help).
 (I should have taken the tag off the flag first.  Oops.  At least it was Made in the USA.)
 Ev loves to kiss her daddy.

 Waving the flag (too quickly) for the camera.
 We liked this lady's name: Evelyn Evans.

 We gave Wilson Phillips a flag.
 Smelling the flowers.

For dinner, we had Greek turkey burgers with cucumber sauce.  We hadn't had them in a while and it was Dassow Daddy's first time making them and Evelynd's first time eating them -- they were yummy!

P.S. A very happy birthday to Evelynd's Cousin Tyler and Aunt Paige!

1 comment:

  1. She'll be walking handless and toyless any day now! How funny (??) that you found a grave with Evelyn Evans. And thanks for the birthday shout out :)
