Monday, November 7, 2011

Lots of News

We woke up at 4:40 a.m. on Saturday to pack up and drive to Seattle for a weekend getaway.  We were staying with our friends, the Warrens, who were getting to meet Evelynd for the first time.  While we were there, guess who's first tooth popped out????  Yes, nursing is a little more painful, but we're getting the hang of it.  We can't get a picture yet, but hope to soon.

Wearing Dassow Daddy's hat
Our hosts, Kristy and Audrey (who is starting to be a toddler)
It was cold on Saturday, but sunny, so we went for a long walk.  Kristy made us some delicious meals and the rest of the time we just chatted.  Both Warren kids were under the weather, so we took it easy.  Late in the day, Peter got an invitation from a friend to join him at the final game at Husky Stadium (Oregon v. Washington -- Ducks crushed those Dogs!), so lucky guy got to go to the game and meet his friend's new twins.

On Sunday, Evie and I got to go meet the twins, but they were sleeping, so no play time.  Other than that, we hung out with the Warrens and just got to catch up.

This morning was a fun surprise because we got to have cousin time!  We didn't know it when we planned our weekend, but Aunt Paige and Cousin Fox were also in Seattle.  Fun!  We met them for breakfast and got to witness Fox's awesome walking skills.

Evelynd wore her favorite coat (from Aunt Paige)

We then went back to the Warrens to pack up and say goodbye.
It's blurry, but we want to document the beginning of the lifelong friendship of Audrey and Evelynd.
'Bye Warren family.  Thanks for the great weekend!

When we got home we were glad to see the doggies.  Leta had left a funny four-page letter (from Sam) detailing their doggy weekend.  Thanks for the dogsitting, Leta; they had fun with you.

P.S. Other notes: Evelynd had her first grapes, green beans, and cell phone.  Dassow Daddy had to get a new one since the drool ruined his old one.  Now Ev has her own phone and she's only 7 months old!


  1. Looks like you guys had fun! Wish I could have been there!

  2. So fun to see you! Congrats on the first tooth :)
