Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Ten Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

We woke up to a good amount (for Oregon) of snow on the ground.
And she has a cold.  Bummer.  So, not the most fun birthday we could have had.

Here's what's new:
She's getting faster at army crawling, but vastly prefers to have someone help her walk.
She can say cat (her favorite word), dog, duck, cow, and that.  She has occasionally said hi and bubbles (to refer to either bubbles or balloons).
She loves to do everything herself.  She wants to feed herself, brush her own teeth, and walk.
She could spend all day reading.  She will pull out books and turn the pages.  She points to things and says, "That!"  or, if appropriate, "A cat!"  The only reason we stop reading is because I get tired of the same books over and over.  (And yes, she definitely has her favorites.)
She can pull herself into a standing position occasionally.
She ate farfalle tonight all by herself.  That was her first pasta and she was pretty good at chewing it.
She's a total mommy's girl.  I call her my little spider monkey because she is constantly attached to me.  She likes to play with Peter as long as Dassow Mommy is the one holding her.
Her hair is getting much longer and thicker.  It's almost into her eyes.
We still like her.

Evelynd was laughing hysterically, but slowed down once the camera came out.  So, this is just a small taste of her playing today:

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