Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Playing with Julia

We started today with lessons at the Allphins.  Megan was playing with Evelynd and said, "Look!"  We all turned and Ev was standing unsupported for about 10 seconds!  She'll be walking (too) soon, I think.  Later, we went to GG'ma and GG'pa's house for our lunch break.  Back in July, we were taking a walk around their neighborhood and we met Julia, who is two months older than Evelynd and Korean, too.  We got to play with her today for the first time since August.  She's walking now and says, "Hot!  Hot!  Hot," everytime she walks by the fireplace.  It was good to see Julia again and I hope the girls can play together more often.  They're a nice family and it makes our travel days more fun for Evelynd.  Unfortunately, I was not thinking and didn't get any pictures.  This is the best I got today (she was tired and we were getting ready for bed before heading home):

1 comment:

  1. It looks like she's crying "I love mommy!!!" here. So sorry she's allergic to peanuts. We know someone whose baby is allergic to fruit- so I guess it could be worse. Glad you could come by the other day. I hope you're enjoying your unplanned weekend- hooray!
