Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Pain in the Mouth

Someone has been so tired and grumpy lately (no, not me).  And it's so unlike my sweet girl.  She woke up last night and screamed while sticking her fingers in her mouth and sucking and rubbing.  Orajel hasn't seemed to help and Tylenol and her teething tablets are not as helpful as they used to be.  She doesn't want her teething toys either.  Any other suggestions, moms?

I tried to distract her with a trip to the NW Kids Club, but it didn't seem to work very well.  Here's hoping she feels better soon.

(Cute shirt.  Thanks, Aunt Paige!)


  1. Super cute shirt :)

    As far as teething, maybe Chris will have some suggestions since he knows about teeth!

  2. Cold carrot sticks and Sylvia has only ever "wanted" a pacifier when she's teething- she chews on it... Are you sure she wasn't helping herself to the beverages at Sylvia's party?
