Sunday, April 29, 2012


This morning was a little chilly, but by the afternoon it had warmed up enough to let Evelynd go to the park.  (Lately, every time we drive by, she points out the window and says, "That?")  She loved the swing when Dassow Daddy pushed her so high and always likes petting the cat statue and driving the car.  She's still a little sick (thankfully, she slept better last night), so we mostly took it easy today.
 At dinner tonight, she wanted to use her fork.  It wasn't working so well, so she sometimes used her fingers and once put a piece of pasta on her fork with her fingers and then laughed.
 Evelynd's cute dress today was a gift from Aunt Ami (and she's holding her favorite blanket -- a shower gift from the Seales).
Kicking her crazies out.

1 comment:

  1. This time we should get Thalia and Evelynd in their matching dresses:) Do you want to meet at the library next Wednesday morning?
