Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Sound of Music

As soon as Evelynd hears music (or even the mention that someone is going to play/sing), she starts singing (and sometimes dancing -- depending on the music).  I love it!  So, today I dressed her in a cute, new dress that reminds me of the "play clothes" the Fraulein Maria makes for the Von Trapp children out of the old drapes.

Evie was happy to see Dassow Daddy today -- he was drilling with the National Guard this weekend.

One other note: She woke up way too early today!  So, we went to the park and watched the birds and squirrels.  They took out the big slide and see-saw at our favorite playground -- bummer!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Now, if we could only get our kids to follow our commands by whistle (ha ha). Picked out Snoopy 4th of July T-shirts today for the girls... You want to join us for the exciting parade this year?
