Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sylvia Jipping Turns 1

Our friends the Jippings had a birthday party for their daughter Sylvia today.  We weren't able to make it thanks to Evelynd's sleep schedule last night (she woke me at 1, 2, 2:30, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10:30) and Peter having a sore throat.  Luckily, we got to stop by later to see Sylvia and her family.
The birthday girl in her birthday crown.

Happy Birthday, Sylvia!
Thalia let Evelynd play with a balloon from the party.
The birthday girl's big sister, Thalia, with her new friend Evelynd.  By the way, Evelynd has the same dress as Thalia thanks to her Nana and Papa Dassow in a 2T size or they could have matched in this picture.

P.S. Red Sox won again!
P.P.S. I wore normal clothes today!  No more maternity clothing for me (unless I keep eating dessert like I have been this weekend).


  1. So cute. Those three girls will be friends. Sorry to hear about your all-nighter! And congrats on being back in normal clothes already. Maternity clothes lose their novelty pretty fast, huh?

  2. That Evelynd; she must be going through a growth spurt! Hopefully you got more sleep last night. It was great seeing you both- such adorable parents to an adorable girl. In the bottom photo you can see how pleased Evie is with the balloon. Sylvia loved her presents and they both were bowling all morning.
