Saturday, April 30, 2011

Girls Night

Peter had to go to Seaside for a Rotary conference, so Ev and I had a Girls Night (and day).  We spent the morning in Silverton for Harp Festival; Ev wore her concert black (thanks again to our one and only Aunt Paige for the LBD).

When we came home, Angie Harker came to visit and brought books -- our little genius will probably be reading them to us by next week.  ;)  After Angie left, we went for a walk with the dogs (I had two leashes and a stroller and was wearing my skirt from the festival.  Impressed?) and then watched the Red Sox.  (No comment.)  She was awake for almost six hours.  I just now got her to sleep.  We'll see how soon she wakes up.

Yesterday we got a new TV!  (Samantha, you'll have to tell Thor that I'm no longer using a 16-year-old 17 inch for all my reality favorites.)  We also went to the Korean BBQ and complete strangers were taking care of my baby as I ate.  When we got home, Evelynd was fascinated with the mobile Melanie made her.  (You can see it here:  She was smiling and reaching for it.  At one point she said, "Coo."  I repeated, "Cool."  She looked at me and had a huge smile.  She thinks her mobile is pretty cool, Melanie.  Thanks!
Happy Baby.
P.S. I love the bib in this video (thanks Jana) because it's one of the few things that says "Mommy" and it has two spaniels with the bigger one wearing the pink bow -- it's like Sam and Daisy!
P.P.S. She's awake.  She slept for 15 minutes.


  1. "one and only Aunt Paige" - ha, thanks for the clarification - no confusion on my part this time :) She still looks so cute in her LBD!

  2. She is so cute and smiley in the video- love it! She is also super classy in her LBD- what a trendy girl:-) Looking forward to seeing you next Sunday- I can bring pizza for mom's day if you don't have plans.
