Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Two Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

Evie turned two months old today and here is how she spent most of it:

Sleeping in her pretty white dress.
Luckily, we got to have some fun today, too:

Smiling up at Dassow Daddy.
Before giving her a bath, we tried on the hat the Leinbachs gave us (still a little big, but really cute) and Evelynd showed off how she loves to suck her fist and thumb:

So what's new at two months?  She was able to roll over in our bed (there was a little help from gravity, but the duvet was weighing her down, too).  She keeps talking more and more.  She is getting more control over her head.  She is able to sleep in longer stretches.  She is starting to reach for things more, but hasn't quite figured out her hands completely.  She is losing some of her hair (on her head, ears, and shoulders), but still has enough to put clips in.  She gets cuter everyday.

P.S. A very happy birthday to Nana Evans!
P.P.S. Red Sox won so they're now over .500.  Lowrie and Ellsbury both had great games.

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