Sunday, May 15, 2011


Samson on his birthday walk.
Today is Samson's 10th birthday.  He has been a great dog (at least for the past 8 1/2 years).  I got him when he was a year old and he has always been very cute, although he was not a great dog for the first six months.  I had a hard time housebreaking him until I realized that he needs positive reinforcement.  He freezes and becomes a deer in headlights when he gets yelled at.  I hope Evelynd will get to know him enough to remember him.  I know a few of my students only continue lessons so they can see him every week.

Pictures of Sam with less gray hair (although he has always been "The Dread Cocker Greybeard").

P.S. Red Sox beat the Yankees again!  Now Lester holds the record for the highest winning percentage of a pitcher ever.


  1. Has it really been that long??? I remember when you got him. He's a lucky boy!

  2. He is so cute and in Thalia's eyes, "he'll always be your baby." Congrats to Sammy. I saw a Red Sox "cheerleader" outfit for babies on zulily yesterday and almost got it for Evie- what size is she these days?
