Sunday, December 4, 2011


I played a Christmas Concert tonight at Silverton United Methodist Church.  It was FREEZING.  It's about 33 degrees outside and the church's furnace was broken.  It was pretty hard to get my fingers to move, but I think it went pretty well anyway.  Dassow Daddy, Evie, my student Mary, and the Jipping girls were there to support me, but no camera means no pictures again.  Bummer.  Here are some more from yesterday, though.
After my students' recital
Celebrating at Koniterei (Evie got to sample cheesecake and carrot cake).

Uncle Michael and Grandpa flew home today.  We miss them already, but glad they were able to visit.

1 comment:

  1. oh darn- I would've taken some photos if I had known. Thalia was so tired when we left- sorry we missed the second half of the concert. You did so well the first half! The tomodachi girls wanted to be back on campus pretty early too because they both had presentations today. Well, maybe we'll see you before we leave? I will miss Evelynd for the time we're gone (you and Peter too;-)
