Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day of Baby's Birth Year

Evie seems to be getting better at this talking thing.  She said "Cat" repeatedly when looking at a cat book.  She said "Dada" repeatedly when looking at her Daddy.  And in Denver she said "Horse" multiple times.  Where's the love for Dassow Mommy???

So how did we spend the last day of 2011?  Mostly running errands and trying to unpack.  We did, however, take Evelynd to the carousel.  She rode "Happy Holidays" first and then we drove the wagon the second time.  She loved looking at all the lights and patting the horses.

We'll miss the pretty Christmas horses, but we look forward to a lot more rides in 2012 (Dassow Mommy bought a punch card).

We finally delivered our Christmas Jar, too.  If you don't know what that it, check out Christmas Jars.  Then, Evelynd went to bed and Peter and I watched "State Fair."  Good ending to a life changing year.

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