Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Nine Month Birthday, Baby Girl!

9 days to Christmas!

Evelynd turned nine months old today and didn't get to do much fun to celebrate.  All I had time for today was to take her to Ace Hardware as I got a couple final Christmas gifts so she could look at all the fancy Christmas trees.  There were a lot of "Oh!" and "Ah!" sounds coming from Miss Ev.

After lessons, I gave her a sippy cup and we worked on drinking by herself.  She seemed to really enjoy that.

She was pretty tired by the time Dassow Daddy got home, but she had a good time dancing and playing with him.  (The pictures are blurry because she was dancing to the Christmas music.)

You can make out her teeth a little here.
So, what's new?  I'm completely freaked out over what a flirt she is.  She will smile at women, but when she sees boys, she wants to touch them, she kicks, and she says, "Oh!  Oh!"  She points at things constantly.  She turns switches off.  And, most interestingly of all, I think we may have a first word going.  A few weeks ago at the Noland's their golden retriever walked in and Evelynd said, "Dog."  Lucas and I were pretty excited.  I thought it was a lucky accident, but it has been repeated so often, I think it may actually be intentional.

She has her two bottom teeth.  She's grown out of her 9-month clothes.  Still no signs of crawling.  She makes me walk her constantly, though.  Her hair is getting a lot longer and thicker.

Recently she has decided she hates getting her hair washed.  She used to love it, but now she screams.  She is enjoying books more and pulls out ones for me to read to her.  She likes turning the pages.  She is consistently eating two meals a day and some snacks, but we almost never get her to eat dinner.  Thankfully, she is sleeping 12 hour nights and two hours of naps now.  Dassow Mommy is feeling better rested.

Finally, she's still in a major mommy phase.  She likes to see her daddy, but cries if mommy's not holding her.

Evelynd is full of joy and love.  And we love her, too.

1 comment:

  1. Fox is so excited to play with his cousin next week! He'll teach her how to crawl and walk :) She can teach him how to say dog!
