Monday, June 4, 2012

Be Still My Heart Bowtique

There was a fun surprise in our mail.  It was a package from Texas that I was not expecting.  Paige had a giveaway on her blog a while back and we won!  It was from Be Still My Heart Bowtique and Evelynd got a new hair bow.  She loved to see that it had owls on it and said, "Hoo.  Hoo."

 She's also wearing my charm necklace from elementary school.
 It's very cute, but will work even better when Ev has more hair.  She's at the point where she actually wants the bows in her hair.
Soo cute!  You can check out more products on Be Still My Heart's Facebook page.

One other thing: when I got home from my orchestra rehearsal tonight, Evelynd saw her stroller and said, "Walk."  It was pouring down rain!  Dassow Daddy was nice enough to walk her down the block.  Nothing stops that girl from being outside.


  1. So cute! I'm glad it got there and that you won :)

  2. That's sweet! I remember charm necklaces- amazing you still have yours for Evie to enjoy!
